Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Miracles admist the pollen

I loved general conference! I loved how many of the messages concentrated on family, charity/letting go of contention, and recognizing revelation. All of the sessions zoomed by and I was left wanting more. I guess that's a good thing. Now I get to go back over my notes and study these topics in greater depth. I tested the council to record our impressions last night, and wow, when we have pen and paper in hand to record our impressions, the Spirit gives us exactly what we are seeking. It's like what I learned at the MTC. At one of the devotionals the apostle speaking taught us that we invite the Spirit to teach us when we participate: i.e. pray, write notes, ponder what is said, think of answers to the questions, etc. True doctrine!

Through our dilligence and faith, and to our utter and joyful surprise, we found two families this week! We knocked into both of them. The first, Joey and Sarah and their two sons who are 6 and 2, let us right in even though they were in the middle of eating dinner. After breaking down barriers--getting to know them a little bit--we shared with them the family proclamation and taught the Restoration. They're not completely satisfied with their current church and are eager to see what ours is like. They've been out of town this weekend for a chior competion (Sarah teaches chorus in high school), but they are reading from the Book of Mormon and are planning on definitely being at church next Sunday! The other family is Brian and Niome. We contacted Brian a week ago and set an appointment for this past Saturday. Brian was so prepared to hear us. He has heard anti throughout his life from preachers, etc., but had never been told what was really wrong with the church other than the extra book. As he was praying and reading the bible this past week, he read the last verse of John which says that the earth cannot contain the books that could be written about Christ's doings. He knew then that it was possible that the Book of Mormon could be real scripture! Wow! Niome is open and willing to learn more. They came to the Sunday morning session of conference and enjoyed it.

When we sincerely seek to do the Lord's will and press forward through our trials with faith, the Lord will bless us. I truly gained that testimony this past week.

Oh, and a great tip for dealing with allergies: pray for rain and eat about a teaspoon and a half of local honey everyday...works wonders :)

Love you all lots. Have an amazing week!

Sister Cottam

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