Thursday, August 16, 2012

becoming our best (from August 13, 2012)

Hey ya'll,

We had Zone conference this past week. We learned more about how to improve our teaching and becoming our best selves. President asked us "Has your best come out of you yet?" We watched a video about a high school football coach and his lead player. During practice, the player was sharing in the doubts of the team that they'd be able to beat their rival team that season. The coach pulled him out and had him do his best death crawl (crawling on hands and feet with another player on their back) blindfolded. When the player wanted to give up the coach got down near him and constantly encouraged him, shouting: "Give me your best; you promised to give me your best!" The player made it all the way across the field from inzone to inzone.

I've reflected often, "Have I given my best? Am I willing to give it? to work hard? to do what it takes, even when I'm tired or hurting? Am I willing to think a little deeper, listen a little harder, trust a little more?" Throughout each day I have asked myself: "Are we using this time well?", "Is this going to help the work move forward?", "Am I keeping my thoughts focused on our investigators?", "Is what I'm saying going to encourage them to make changes?", "Am I being bold with the Spirit?" etc. As I have reflected, I have recognized many ways in which I need to improve, here a little and there a little, and I am praying that the Lord will help me repent and make the changes I need to. I am grateful for the Plan of Salvation and the opportunities we are given in this life to constantly make changes to improve ourselves.

We met a sweet mother and son who we have started to teach this past week, Jacilla and Chris. Chris told us after we related the first vision that he felt similar to Joseph. There have been times when he has wondered what is right. We committed him to find out for himself through reading, praying, and coming to church. True to his 20 year old age, he has been pretty busy this past week, but we hope to teach him again early this week. Jacilla is strong in her current church, yet she is willing to listen. When we went over to try to catch Chris before he went to work last Thursday afternoon, she was home. We could tell she was not in a good mood at first. She told us she had had a rough week. As we asked a couple of questions and shared a scripture, her heart softened. She let us come in and we taught her the plan of salvation, adjusting the lesson to her needs. The spirit was strong and she felt the truth of our words. She loved it. We had planned to see her later that day, but we found out she wouldn't have been there. I'm grateful that the Spirit directs us to be where we need to be when we need to be there! Because we listened, we were able to make a difference in Jacilla's day.

We are excited to be working with one of our BRP referrals. Annetta was busy for quite some time after she received her letter, but these past couple of weeks we had the opportunity to serve her and teach her about the Book of Mormon. This week we are planning on having her join us for dinner with the referring member. We love her so much and are excited to teach her more.

In the Lord's timing the work is progressing.

Have a wonderful week ya'll!

Sister Cottam

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