Monday, September 10, 2012

lessons on the Spirit

Well, it's been almost two weeks in Hartsville, and we're doing well. I'm am so grateful for the spiritual help the Lord has given me. These past couple of weeks have really strengthened my testimony that the qualifies those he calls. I'm reminded of the sons of Mosiah, and their missionary work. They were greatly successful, even though they had many trials, because the Lord made a way for them and they followed the Spirit. Likewise, He has helped us rise to the occasion as we strive to learn the members and the area quickly. My heart is full thinking about the ways he has strengthened and blessed us. We have found 4 new investigators this week and many more leads! It's been a long time since I've taught so many 1st lessons in one week. I've realized as we have taught so much that I have areas in which I need to improve my teaching. Being thrown into it so much, I haven't allowed the Spirit to be as integral a part of the lessons as he needs to be. Even with this being the case, I have seen it touch their hearts. Which reminds me of another scripture (I think it's in the D&C somewhere) that talks about how the Lord uses his servants in their weaknesses to accomplish great things. I feel much like that. One of our new investigators is William. He's in the Marines and is so prepared! We've been trying to teach him since we first met him a week and a half ago, but things always came up. We finally were able to sit down with him on Saturday with one of our members Sis. Solomon. He is so humble, and deep down, his spirit is looking for the truth. I'm excited to keep teaching him.
I have loved serving with Sis. Jaye. She is a wonderful missionary and is striving to do the best she can. I love her sincere desire.
This coming week we have interviews and another "No more strangers" missionary fireside. I can't wait to learn how to be a better missionary. We're praying and working hard to get someone to come to the fireside so they can feel the Spirit there and have their questions answered. Last time Pres. and Sis. Holm bore fervent testimonies on the blessings of the gospel, and I know this fireside will be just as good.
I know the Lord's hand is in this work. I love being a missionary and witnessing it first hand :)
I hope all ya'll have a wonderful week!
Sister Cottam

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