Monday, October 29, 2012

don't forget to have faith!

It's been a windy week as the storm passed by us, but no rain. So,
Mom, don't worry too much. <3
The longer I'm out on my mission, the more I ponder about the impact
my mission will have in the long term, and the more I desire to see
the gospel touch other's lives. Even while we are struggling to help
the work move forward here, my heart yearns all the more for the
opportunity to touch even just one person's heart and make a
difference. Often I have to remember this is not my work, this is the
Lord's. He sees the greater picture when I cannot. He knows where that
next ready soul is waiting, or what seeds need to planted in someone's
heart. So, even though we see little results in the short term, I'm
striving not to drop my faith, but increase it as my desire increases.
I want so much to make a difference. I guess the Lord is trying to
teach me patience and perseverence.
We had several miracles happen this week. We had knocked on Aleshia's
door two weeks ago, but she was about to head out and asked us to come
back another time. After a couple of times, we weren't able to catch
her. Well, we were in her area again this past Tuesday and were
writing a note to put on another person's door and Aleshia walked out
of her apartment to get something from her car. When she saw us
standing there across the hall from her, she said excitedly, "Oh,
you're back! Good, I just got off work so I have time today."  Of
course we were excited too and after we finished our note she welcomed
us in. I don't know if I've ever met anyone so ready for the gospel,
so ready for the blessings it can bring for her family. She felt the
Spirit, and she was excited to read from the Book of Mormon.
We met Candace and Kevin this week too. We knocked on Candace's door,
and though she is fairly active in her church, she was open to our
message and felt the Spirit. The even greater miracle was when Kevin
called us several days later and asked us to come talk with him. We
just happened to be out with a member, so we went over right then. I
know he felt the Spirit touch his heart. He felt the peace that can
come only from God. Both of these families were planning on coming to
church, but neither made it this week. That was hard for us to
swallow, but I was reminded that even if nothing happened this week,
it's the Lord's timing, not mine and we need to trust in that, trust
in God's power to have an influence on their lives. I want so much for
them to accept and embrace the gospel fully.  One day--hopefully
soon--they will.
We contacted one of our referrals this week. They welcomed us right in
and welcomed us back. We're excited to share more with them!
Oh, and guess what. This Saturday, Elder David A. Bednar is coming to
our mission for a mission conference! I'm very excited to receive
direct guidance for our mission from one of the Lord's chosen
Even when it's rough, I love being a missionary!
Have a wonderful week ya'll!
Sister Cottam
P.S. thanks for the pictures!

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