Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I LOVE IT!

Even a midst trials, the Lords blesses us as we work diligently with faith in His work. 

For me, this has been a frustrating week as I pulled a muscle in my lower back (in the shower of all places...). It kept us from doing a lot of the things we needed and wanted to do, but the Lord has helped us. We have a wonderfully strong investigator named Marilyn. Her heart is so prepared. She is a sweet, humble sister in her 50's  and has a thirst for understanding. She has a strong desire to one day be baptized (and I think she has just waited until she could find the right church to do it) and receive the Holy Ghost. We've been able to answer a lot of her questions, and I've watched the Spirit touch her heart when we are there. She's on date with a calendar for Nov. 3, and we're excited to help her prepare. We'll be getting the ball rolling today with the BRP as we help a sister in the ward write a few letters. The longer I'm out on my mission, the more I realize the importance of member-missionary work. When it comes through them, it makes all the difference.

As I was mostly bed-ridden for a couple of days, my appreciation and love for this work grew. I realized what a blessing it is to be a missionary and how much I truly, deeply love this work. All I wanted to do was be out and about, but my injury wouldn't let me (thankfully it was general conference weekend so I was able to still lay down and listen to the wonderful messages shared). I took some of that time to reflect and Sister Jaye helped organize our records. I am so grateful for the gospel, for the precious truths that we have at our finger tips. There's nothing else like it. I love being a missionary! I'm on the mend and we've been able to go out more often to our appointments. I'm still trying to be careful. The Lord is providing.

I loved General Conference. So many of the messages centered around service and deepening our conversion of the gospel. I especially enjoyed Elder Bednar's talk during which he said that testimony is not enough to keep us up in the storms of life. I realized the reason why I feel the way I do about the gospel, the reason why it is so ingrained into my heart and that I have such a huge desire to share it is because somewhere along the line, after a multitude of experiences, my heart has been converted, and I rejoice in it. I love the gospel so much. I know all things really are fulfilled by faith and that true discipleship is truly about doing and becoming. Service is an amazing thing and I am excited to serve not just here on my mission, but in every avenue of life. I loved Elder Ballard's comparison of service to pollinating the world :). My favorite talk by far though, was Elder Holland's. He gave a similar message at the MTC last January. Every apartment in our mission has a copy of it. That call to life-long service is a sacred one. I hope I will always be able to kneel before the Master and say with all my heart, "Yea, Lord I do love thee, and I am willing to do anything you ask me to do." And then have the strength and courage to do it. There's a reflective question in Preach My Gospel under Christlike attributes that says: "I have enough faith to do anything the Lord asks--even miracles if necessary."   Those miracles are great and small with each act of service we do, each prompting we follow...and it all starts with faith.

Have a wonderful week! I love you all lots!


Sister Cottam

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