Monday, February 11, 2013

News: baptism and white washing (this is from today)

This week has been CRAZY!

We took care of several health issues and planned a baptism. I don't like having to take time to take care of my health, but I am glad that I have, because it is helping a lot, and in the long run, I know it will be better.

We had a wonderful week though as we helped Vince Crow finish preparing for his baptism. Last minute, our bishop asked if we could move the baptism to Friday evening instead of Saturday morning (there was a temple trip that morning). We scrambled all day to be sure everyone could still make it, and everything worked out for the better (I'm grateful for our bishop's inspiration). Vince was so ready (even though we did it a day earlier than originally planned) and was very excited and nervous. I have loved watching him literally grow in the gospel.

I gained a testimony this weekend of the power of ordinances. Maybe it has just been my hightened sensitivity to the Spirit, or something else, but as each ordinance was performed (baptism on Friday and confirmation on Sunday), it was as if I felt heaven's power for that moment. I could sense the priesthood and power of God at work in this humble man's life and that it had forever changed him. He is becoming more and more like the man God sees in him. As I watched him interact on Saturday at the ward activity, I could tell the gospel had a huge impact on his life. He had purpose again. I know the gospel is true, that the priesthood power is real, and that ordinances help us acheive Celestial goals. I read an article in the new member Ensign that came out several years ago that was by Elder Holland and he said that there is nothing Terrestial or Telestial about the Church. Everything in the Church is geared towards Celestial goals. As I have thought about it, I have realized how true that is and how grateful I am for it.

Well, transfers are this week. Sister Steimle is leaving. We also found out that they're moving Elders into the ward. They will be biking in Harlem and the sisters will be moving to Thomson. They're still looking for a place for us to move to, so the poor elders are going to live with the nearest missionaries 20 miles away for a couple of weeks. I know it'll all work out. I am excited and humbled by the prospect of working in the Thomson side of the ward. I know it is the Lord's will, and it has been inspiring, as we have sought inspiration for how to organize everything, how the Spirit does direct us.

This is the Lord's work.

Have a wonderful week!


Sister Cottam

P.S. the first picture is of the baptism. Bro. Tindall(the chief fellowshipper) is the tall dark haired one and Vince is the blonde scruffy guy. The second picture is Bro. Trover standing over a hundred pounds of pork smoked for our ward activity...soooo good.


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