Wednesday, March 6, 2013

moved...time too short

Hey y'all,

This week we've seen miracles, had some trials, and were very excited to move to Thomson.

The grandma of the Thomas family who we've been teaching had heart surgery this week. We invited her to receive a priesthood blessing. She accepted and on Monday, the night before the surgery, we went over with our bishop and another brother from the ward. It was a wonderful lesson. We followed up with the Book of Mormon and then taught about the priesthood. The testimonies of the two brothers were wonderful and brought a special spirit to the visit. The blessing was simple and sweet and she was very grateful. Her surgery went fine and she's recovering. I gained a deep appreciation for the priesthood and how truly blessed I've been my whole life to have it always near.

We've worked a lot with the less active members here and have invited members to visit with us. We had a wonderful lesson with a less active young woman, Tytiana, and the young women's president, Sister Tindall. It was just as good for the YW president as it was for Tytiana, and Sister Tindall asked to come out with us again. With Sister Gardner I am learning how essential it is to gain the members trust by being a good missionary. As they hear our testimonies, feel our spirit, and see our efforts, they gain the desire to be a part of it. They feel that same missionary spirit and do more good. I've learned we're not here to only baptize non-members but also to lift and strengthen the members already here. I love it.

It was a busy weekend as we moved and cleaned the new apartment in Thomson. We feel so at peace there and feel it is where God really wants us. I love being so much closer to the people we are serving and how that will help us reach out to the areas rarely visited by missionaries. There is so much to do and so little time in which to do it.

This transfer has been a tutorial for me in humility and charity. I know the things I'm learning in these short weeks will change my life and I'm so grateful...even though the trials God gives me have been hard. I know the Atonement is real, not just in the lives of others, but in our lives too. And I am so grateful that it is! I love this work. I'm going to miss it so much. I have grown to more deeply love being a missionary this week than ever before! Good thing this work is eternal.

Til next week!

Sister Cottam

P.S. the picture is our moving crew: Me, Sister Gardner, Elder and Sister Gowans (serve at Fort Gordon nearby), and Elder and Sister France (missionaries in charge of housing)


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