Sunday, January 30, 2011

ramblings of the heart

Today I was contemplating what the future will hold, and the dreams of my young heart. I think every girl has dreams and desires of their heart. Some dreams are given up for others and some desires change for better ones. I have a dream. I have a heart-felt desire, but I have no idea whether my dream will come true or whether the Lord lead me down a better, different path.

I have a Prince Charming who I have liked from the very first moment I met him years ago. He is off serving the Lord right now and gets back in a matter of months. We became good friends before he left and have written occasional letters. I haven't thought about him very much for a long while because his return date seemed so far away, but as it draws nearer I can't help but wonder what he will be like when he returns. I can't help but wonder if he will be my true Prince or if fate will bring another to my tower. For the last couple of months I've been giddy and my heart has run rampant with dreams. This last week, it stopped. I'm not sure why, but the sudden change in emotion has caused me to reflect and look deeper into myself and to think more sincerely about my dream. I have always acknowledged God's hand in my life and want the right Prince to be the one who will call my name so I may throw down my hair and invite him into my life for eternity. I am grateful now for the change in my heart. Without the giddiness and heart-racing emotions of a stricken young girl, I can think more clearly and accept the will of the Lord more readily. If he be the one who comes to my tower, I will be the happiest damsel on the face of the planet. If another who is equally worthy be the one, I will still rejoice in the wonders of love and life.

No matter what events unfold in the future, I know I will wait to enter the temple until it is the right time, in the right place, and with the right person. I am excited to meet the future worthy young man who will be mine, and I his, for the rest of eternity.