Monday, January 30, 2012

sense of urgency

This past week has been full of amazing experiences. 

We received our first letters in hand for the new proselyting concept! We are so excited to begin contacting these best relations. We did the BRP with another member this past week very unexpectedly. We stopped by to pick up some food she offered us and she talked to us about how she's not sure how to bare her testimony to her friends at work before she moves away in a couple of weeks. We mentioned the BRP, and she begged us to do it. We received 25 refferals from this wonderful sister and will be picking up most of the letters on Tuesday. It was a wonderful experience and I'm excited to work with her friends.

We had an amazing lesson with a couple of our investigators, Eva and Patrick. We've worked with them on and off since I first came to Gaffney and they've been open but not really progressing. We found out a couple weeks ago that Patrick will have to get divorced from a previous wife before they can get married (they've been living together for almost a year but know they need to get married). We knew this lesson was a progress or drop lesson. We started off by talking about the 10 commandments and about their importance...including the law of chastity. Patrick could sense something was on our minds and asked. Sis. Kloepfel poured out her heart in boldness and said that we want to see them progress, but we can't help them unless they do something. Her comment could have led two ways: them kicking us out or them accepting to get baptized. I watched as we were bold in the spirit, how the spirit touched their hearts and helped them understand rather than push away. I've never felt the spirit work so powerfully. Nothing but the spirit could have done that. They understand now that blessings are in store if they will do what it takes to receive them. They are on date for March 3rd! wow....all I can say is wow.

We had a regional stake conference this past week that was broadcasted to our building. Elder M. Russell Ballard was the final speaker. His topic: missionary work. He told us that in the south east there are 65 million people and only 500,000 members...that's about 160 people to every member. He said this is the last dispensation and there is an urgency to get the work done. We need to be in a hurry to do the work of bringing souls to Christ. His words were so powerful and bold (he was basically calling everyone to repentance). He talked about the worth of every soul in the sight of God. This work is so important. We don't have as much time as other dispensations. These are the final days and there are many who are lost and know not where to find the truth. We have the sacred calling to help them, whether they are in our families, among our friends, in our wards, or on the other side. This work is so important and we need to be in a hurry to accomplish it. I am glad that as a full time missionary I get to be in the thick of it :) , but members are truly the key.

Have a wonderful week and may all y'all find an opportunity to share the gospel this week :)


Sister Cottam

P.S. Transfers are this week...I'm excited to spend another 6 weeks in Gaffney with Sis. Kloepfel and see how much we will learn and grow together!

Monday, January 23, 2012

look up

First off, I want to share some thoughts from my study this morning.

I was reading in Alma 26. As I came across verse 30, I wrote these thoughts down:

   Ammons words give me strength. They remind me where my focus as a missionary needs to be.

   What great love the people, for their fellow brothers and sisters. They suffered much more than I ever will. All I have sacrificed is my time and a few lazy comforts. They were starved, beaten, chased by mobs, cast into prison, etc. They endured so much more than I have or will, so there is no reason why I cannot handles the work load of my simple mission. I can't let myself get depressed or downtrodden when something doesn't work out the way I hoped. If I press forward with faith like these ancient missionaries did, I know I will see miracles and I will find great joy in bringing save it be a few souls to the knowledge of the restored gospel. I know if I give my all, I will be able to look back at this time and say, "I gave it my all. I did the best I could. I held nothing back." I want to be more dedicated to this work than ever before so that I can be the tool in God's hands to bring a few souls to Him.

   These thoughts stem off of something that my zone leaders talked about this past week during a training. Elder Pineda challenged us all to give our hearts God, to hold nothing back, and to do everything in faith. My goal is to do just that.

We had interviews this past week with the mission president. During the training beforehand, President committed us to triple the number of people we have on baptismal date. The more we have on date, the more that will get baptized. The last two months have be rough for the mission as having the lowest baptism rate in years, but there's an energy and excitement building right now with the new proselyting concept. Sis. Kloepfel and I have been struggling to reach this goal, but we have pushed through with faith and had several successes.

One such success is David and Shelly. David in the same office as one of the members at the small college in town. This member told us about David just before Thanksgiving. David has been looking into the church for a couple of years now. He's read the Book of Mormon a couple of times and has said in a room with multiple people in there that if this book isn't true, nothing is. He has a strong desire for his wife to also learn, and so we've been trying to set up a time to meet with them for two months now (it's been really busy for them over the holidays). A couple weeks ago we became more insistent and stopped by the office a couple of times. We both felt that we needed to start teaching them soon or it might be too late. This week, we did the same thing and he finally found a time when we could teach them. We set to meet them Saturday morning at the office (they wanted the first meeting to be away from their three young rowdy boys). 10AM came and went and they didn't show. We called David to see what was up. Shelly had to take a last minute trip to a nearby town to help a friend. He had been searching his truck for a while to see if he could find our phone number. He told us that as soon as he heard from her he would let us know when we could meet. He, like us, was tired of putting it off and told us he really wanted to meet that day. A few hours passed and he hadn't called back. So we called him. He said she should be home in an hour. She ended up having to take her friend to the hospital for something. Sis. Kloepfel and I started to doubt that we would get to teach them that day, but we kept faith and prayed with all our hearts. Three hours later, about 20 minutes after we prayed that we would hear from him, David called and said she was home and could we meet in an hour. Of course we said yes. So, 9 hours after our scheduled appointment we got to teach them.

David has such a strong desire to know if this really is the right church and Shelly wants to know as well. She is still trying to understand it all, but is willing and wanting to learn. We put them on a goal date and committed them to pray and read. I'm excited to see them progress. David knows it's true, he just has to have enough faith to overcome the doubts. Luckily he has a wonderful resource working with him everyday. I know from that experience, that they need this gospel. The Spirit was urging and directing us to much to not be so. I can't wait to see them go to the temple one day.

Love you all lots! Remember, with enough faith and righteous desire, miracles can happen and the Lord will never lead you astray!


Sister Cottam

Monday, January 16, 2012

pushing forward

First I want to tell you something cool:

In our mission when someone has a miracle moment (amazing contact, baptism, etc.) they send a voicemail to their zone leaders who send it to their zone, or to the assistants for the whole mission. Well, we received a voicemail last night. It was from a set of sisters in Mount Pleasant (near Charleston on the coast). They first talked about how one of their investigators came to church and received the Holy Ghost, and then they said they were looking around to see if someone had come who they missed and saw a familiar face. He was with his wife and had a couple of body guards. Then they recognized that it was Mit Romney in their sacrement meeting!!! Wow....I'm a little jealous of those sisters. ;)  Romney is in the area for the primaries, and as you can guess, we have had a lot of people, mainly members, talk to us about it. It's interesting to be out of the loop sometimes. Mom, don't forget to send me an absentee ballot for the main election, please and thank you :) .

This week has been a struggling week. It always seems to do that right after a baptism...probably because Satan is mad we stole someone out of his clutches. We have a couple of potential investigators that we are trying to set up times to meet. One is a member refferal who has been looking into the church for two years already. He knows it's true, but is struggling and busy right now. He has been put on the top of our priority list. Another is someone we knocked into two weeks ago. He's been struggling in his life recently and we prayed with him. He ordered a Book of Mormon a week later and we delivered soon after. We just need to get in to teach him and his family. We have one investigator who has good potential. He's been to church once and really liked it. He's just struggling with the word of wisdom. Against hopes, Thomas has continued to struggle. I'm worried about him, but I don't know what we really can do except to pray and try to stay in contact with him. He must have some important things to do in his life if Satan is tearing at him so much. His testimony will bring many others one day.

But, even though we've been struggling this week, it's also been a good learning experience, a time for reevaluation and seeking inspiration for how we can improve. My companion and I have decided to not let this week's slowness bring us down but are determined to learn from it and push forward, doing everything we can, being as obedient as we can, and trusting in the Lord with all our hearts. In the upcoming weeks, expect miracles! Yeah, we have that much faith :D .

Love all y'all lots,

Sister Cottam

Monday, January 9, 2012

another white weekend ;)

First and foremost: Mikaela was baptized!!!

It was amazing! and I sent pictures :) because the library's computers now have SD card slots :D . Don't let her face in the pictures fool you, she really was excited. It was amazing to see this 15 year old girl grow in the gospel from curiosity to sincere desire to a heart that is full and overbrimming. She is amazing. After the baptism she told us in her simple teenage language that she doesn't want to mess up now that she's been baptized. What faith! Her dad, who was planning on quitting smoking at the end of January (when he used up what he had already bought), finally chucked out all of his tobacco, etc. on Saturday, so he was worthy and able (with permission from the bishop) to stand in the circle for her confirmation. When we found out he did that, we jumped for joy, and my heart was full when I saw a now worthy father get to participate in his daughter's confirmation. Miracles are out there. I know we had very little to do with all of their progress. All we did was invite the spirit into the home. God did the rest.

On a sadder note, Sis. Graves is no longer one of my companions. We had two sisters go home this past week due to health issues, so Sis. Graves was transfered to take one of their places as a traveling sister. Though sad, this is also a tremendous blessing. Sis. Kloepfel and I discovered that we both have "youngest sibling syndrome". We, being the youngest sibling in our families, are more than willing to let someone else take the lead and talk while we sit patiently listening. Now that Sis. Graves isn't with us, we have to step up and it's been one of the greatest learning experiences we've had. We both discovered we can actually stand on our own. When push comes to shove, I know now that I can step up with the Lord's help. He has helped me realize that I am a great missionary to Him, and I have the ability to touch people's lives in my own way. I don't have to be like other more experienced missionaries. I am also ordained to preach, to invite the spirit to teach those we meet. That's an important thing to learn.

I love you all. Hope you have a great week. Don't forget that the best things come not on our time table, but by a little bit of prayer, a chunk of  trust in God, and a large helping of faith to follow the Spirit's promptings when they come.


Sister Cottam

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

new year and lots of potential–sent on January 2, 2012

Hey ya'll!

Well, guess what, it's the year 2012! I'm having a difficult time accepting that, but it happened anyway. Pres. Holm encouraged us to spend some time on new year's eve reflecting on the past year and making goals for the next in 4 areas: spiritual, family, education/career(we were told not to dwell here), and physical goals. As I sat down and reflected I was so grateful for where the Lord brought me this past year and how happy and excited I am to spend the whole year and then some serving as a missionary. I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow closer to my Heavenly Father as I serve Him with all my heart. I know as I lose myself in the work, the Lord will shape me into my potential.

We've had some awesome things going on in Gaffney this past week. We have two really solid investigators right now. The Porr's daughter will be getting baptized on Saturday! She is so ready and excited. The whole family was at church this Sunday (well, Bro. and Sis. Porr and their two youngest children who still live at home)! I am so happy to see the progress in that family. Even Bro. Porr was talking this week about quitting smoking and preparing to get back to the temple! *Sigh* God is truly a God of miracles and I am so grateful I got to be a part of this one!

Our other really solid investigator is Archie. This guy has quite the personality. He is skeptical about everything--very deep thinker--but is also open to learning what we're all about. The first time Sis. Jepsen and I knocked into him over a month ago I had doubts that he would ever soften enough to accept the gospel, though he told us he was looking for the one religion that was right (and he's studdied A LOT of religions, but none of them were quite it). We decided to try him a couple weeks later and he accepted to read the Book of Mormon. Last week we went over again and he almost gave to book say the least... He had come to 2 Nephi 5 when the Lamanites were cursed, and he stopped reading. He told us it didn't jive with him because the God he knows doesn't discriminate. With help from the spirit we committed him to keep reading. He did. It was a stumbling block for a while, but as he has kept reading and as we've taught him multiple times this past week (almost everyday), that concern has been placed by the side and he is seriously considering this church. Every lesson we have with him is so amazing. We have to teach with a lot of depth and attention to understanding, not just teaching the doctrine, but the why as well; and depend on the spirit to help Archie overcome his concerns, which pop up often. It's crazy to see how the Lord is working on him. He is very stubborn and it takes him time to overcome things and understand them, but he understands. He came to church this last Sunday and told us that he really enjoyed it. He's not making any commitments, but he's liked what he has seen. What I love most about him is that he truly sees and understands the importance of the gospel. He's told us over and over that he does not want to rush into anything, because this will probably be the last big discission he will make in his life (he's 66), and he wants to be fully committed, be fully sure, before he makes such a huge promise as baptism. Whether he is baptized this month or not, I do feel this man will one day be baptized. He has the desire and the smarts to be open enough to listen and try to understand. And, when he does join Christ's church, he will be one of the strongest members around. 

Oops, I promised to explain the new concept we are piloting as a mission, but I have now run out of time. For now I will say that this new tool for missionary work really works! We've started it with one of our members, and I have felt the spirit testify of this tool. Our zone leaders have contacted several of the friends of members this past week and almost every time they are invited in with open arms and hearts. It's amazing what one inspired letter from a friend can do!

Love you all lots. Start off the new year right! Time is so precious, and we have so much to learn yet on this earth. Have a wonderful week!


Sister Cottam

week after Christmas–sent on December 27, 2011

Because so many libraries were closed this Monday, Pres. Holm had us move email time to today, so here I am sitting at a computer writting to all y'all :)

First off, thank you for all of your Christmas gifts. Luke, I did find your note. Thank you very much! I loved the chance I had to call home. Honestly it felt I haven't been gone for 4 months. My only wish is that we could have talked longer, but I love this work and am so glad I'm serving the Lord. I love you all!

This past week has been a hot mess ("very crazy") in several ways, but it has been so good too. We had transfers on Wednesday. I knew that I would be staying in Gaffney, but I didn't know who my companion would be. I was warned on Sunday be Pres. Holm that I might have two companions, which was then confirmed by the assitants on Tuesday. It was a fairly large transfer mtg because we had 18 new missionaries arrive. My new companions are Sis. Graves and Sis. Kloepfel (pronounced Klepfel). Interesting connections: They were companions last transfer, Sis. Graves was Sis. Roos' trainer, and Sis. Kloepfel and I were in the same MTC district. Cool huh? I am so excited to work with them. It's going to be a learning experience for sure. They teach differently from Sis. Jepsen, but they still both have a fire and a love for sharing the gospel.

We've had both set backs and miracles this week. Cayce didn't come to church this week, so we have to move her baptism back again. Her desire to get baptized hasn't changed though. She just has to take the steps to get there. In happier news, Sister Porr, her husband, and her daughter who we're teaching all came to church! AHHH!!! It was so wonderful to have them there, even on Christmas day. We spent a lot of time with them this weekend. We had lunch and taught a lesson on Saturday and then spent time with them on Sunday. They are a wonderful family. It is amazing to see change happening. Their daughter is excited about continuing to learn and getting baptized on Jan. 7th! Also, one of our other investigators Eddie is progressing well. He's been looking into the church off and on for 10 years, but he told us last night that this time he was really serious about learning. He feels good about it all and wants to be baptized. He is set to be baptized Jan 14. He is so quiet and thoughtful, but he is gaining a testimony.

I love you all. I love this work. I am so happy to be a missionary serving the Lord. I know there are people waiting to hear the gospel. As long as we live right the Spirit will guide to be where we need to be to bless the lives of someone else. 

Have a happy new year!


Sister Cottam