Monday, June 25, 2012

lessons for improvemen​t+searchin​g for the elect+fait​h=success

Dear family....I'M SO EXCITED TO BE AN AUNT!!

whew, now that that's out of my system... ;)

I'm even more excited to be a missionary!

Elder Walker of the 70 (he's also on the general temple committee thingamajig or som'in'lik'at) came to our mission this past week to tour it. We had two combined zone conferences with him. Our half of the mission met this past Friday. It was 6 hours of jam-packed spiritual feasting. I learned so many things that I want to apply to my own life. Pres. and Sis. Holm spoke with Sis. and Elder Walker. Most of what Elder Walker spoke on was improving ourselves as servants of the Lord. I loved how he often jumped from one subject to another saying, "I feel inspired to share this..." I think I ended up with 10+ pages of notes. Here are a couple of my favorite gems:

"There is no more important work than the cause that you and I are involved in today." Pres. Holm

Sis. Walker shared the story "The Kings Highway". Moral of the story: How do we handle the trials on our Heavenly Father's highway? Do we complain or do we make the trip better for someone else? It's all about our attitude. How well do we travel the highway we've been given?

"There are more of God's angels around us than angels of Satan. But when we're casual, we listen more to Satan's angels. We are in a war against Satan. We can't afford to be casual. We must always been on guard in a happy, joyous, amazing way." Sis. Holm

"A missionary's main job is to help investigators feel the spirit." Elder Walker

"We are not here to teach people the gospel, but to help them want to live the gospel; not to keep the commandments, but to want to keep the commandments...I get to...I get to...I get to..." Pres. Holm

"The Lord calls who He needs at a specific time, and He doesn't expect you to be someone else. He expects you to do your best." Elder Walker

"If you are almost obedient, you almost get blessings." Elder Walker

"Bringing someone back to church is as valuable or more valuable than baptisms." Elder Walker

"There's no limit to what you can accomplish if you don't care who gets the credit."

"As missionaries, long term is two weeks, but not in the Lord's time. sometimes it takes experiences after experience, until finally one will tip the scale. Each one counts."

I walked away from this conference wanting to be better, wanting to change my outlook, and wanting to share the gospel with everyone I meet. As the temperatures have increased, I've found myself wishing I could be doing something other than knocking...complaining. I've found that I slack sometimes in caring about the person. This was such a good recharge. I love being a missionary, even when we are struggling to find investigators. I love being a missionary, even when it's 90 degrees and humid. I love being a missionary, even when door after door is closed behind us. I love being a missionary, because even the worst is wonderful.

Have a amazing week all yall. We've just had some amazing miracles, and there are more waiting just around the corner!

Love ya!

Sister Cottam

Thursday, June 21, 2012


Firstly, Happy Father's Day to my favorite dad in the entire world! <3...

We've experienced a wide range of emotions this past week. For a couple of days we weren't sure if Kayla was still going to get baptized. She was staying with a friend so we couldn't see her. We could only text with her, and Satan was working hard against her, giving her doubt. I don't know if I've ever prayed so hard in my entire life. Our entire zone was praying for her, and our prayers were answered. Her baptism was Thursday. We found out Wednesday morning that she still wanted to be baptized. I think I now have a better understanding of how the sons of Mosiah felt "Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soul should perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble." (Mosiah 28:3)

Sis. Brand was able to come up from Georgia to see the baptism. We loved having them there. To our utter surprise, Pres. and Sis. Holm were also there! They had a meeting with the nearby stake and were taking Sis. Brand and Sis. Johnson half of the way back to Georgia, so they joined the baptism! It was an amazing evening.

Chelsea's baptism was Saturday. Though she was nervous (and had to do it twice), she knew it was right. After her interview last week, I asked her about where she was in the Book of Mormon. She was behind schedule to finish it before her baptism (as was her original goal) because of all her school work. But she told me it didn't matter as much to her anymore; she still wanted to get baptized.

Oh, what joy comes from bringing save one soul unto Christ, and what greater joy of bringing many.

I'm excited to see how these sisters will grow and how they will bless the lives of many others. Their confirmation blessings were so perfect. Though it was the same ordinance, the blessings differed greatly, and fit perfectly to each one of them, to their needs and experiences. I was reminded again, that this is definitely the Lord's work. This is His gospel. This is His church.

We get to do more finding this next week. There are others whose hearts are being prepared to receive the fulness of the gospel. We just have to find them.

Love yall! Go out there and be the best member missionaries you can be! Without member involvement with both Kayla and Chelsea, I don't know if they would have made it. (I attached pictures of their main fellowshipping families. Kayla is the one with dark brown hair in the dress. Chelsea has the blonde/brown hair.)


Sister Cottam









Monday, June 11, 2012

strength in prayer

Hey yall!

We've stayed very busy this week with transfers and preparing two
investigators for baptism. Kayla slipped with the Word of Wisdom, and
we had to move her baptism back to this week. Though she has struggled
she is excited to move forward and be baptized. Sis. Brand was
transfered to Martinez, GA, but she received permission to come back
for Kayla's baptism.

I never realized that I could be so worried for another indivdual
until now. I love Kayla so much and just want her to have the best and
be able to overcome every temptation to be baptized and experience
that joy! My heart is constantly pouring out in prayer for her
welfare. Her soul depends on this. The future of her family depends on
this. Satan knows it, and he is working overtime on her. If nothing
else, I know that this is truly the Lord's work because Satan works so
hard to keep people from it!

I learned an important lesson this week through experience: the Lord
gives us the strength that we need to fulfill any assignment He gives
us. I know I'm not a perfect missionary, but I have marveled at how
the Lord has made up for my weaknesses as I have strived to be exactly
obedient, diligent in the work, and supportive to my new trainee Sis.
Koeven :) Going through the process of preparing to meet the trainees,
doing a little training with them in Columbia, and then working with
Sis. Koeven this past week has made me reflect often on my experiences
when I first came out. I was so grateful for the experiences I had and
I pray that I will be a tool in the Lord's hands in helping Sis.
Koeven also have an amazing start in her service. I'm excited to work
with her for the next 12 weeks!

Have a wonderful week all yall! Press forward with faith!

Love always,
Sister Cottam

Monday, June 4, 2012

sound of running water....f​illing a font

Transfers are this week. I'm staying, but my wonderful companion Sis. Brand is leaving. I'm sad that she will be transfered. In the coming weeks she would have witnessed the fruits of long labors, but deep down I feel it is the Lord's will. I know she will continue to serve well in her new area. There are many others who need her.

We have seen soooooooo many blessings this week and I can't wait to share them!

Two of our investigators are solid for baptism! Kayla is living the word of wisdom, has been taught everything and will be baptized this Saturday! Her testimony is so strong, and not because of us. Over the past couple of weeks she has become truly converted through the spirit. We had a meal with her and a member family this past Tuesday. The fellowship she enjoyed there and the things the members taught her gave her an extra boost that she needed. They were baptized when they were about her age and testified of the peace and the many blessings that came from the gospel and being a part of Christ's church. They testified that the biggest blessing was peace that came from knowing they were sealed together and that no matter what happened, their family would be all right. It was during that lesson that the spirit directed us to commit Kayla to be baptized on the 9th...and through happy tears she said yes. She is so ready to live the gospel for the rest of her life, to be an example for her three young children. She has a fire now that she did not have before. I can see the change. It came slowly as she took small steps to read and pray and come to church and has just snowballed. She has no desire to be a part of her past life and even now as she has to deal with so many struggles at home, so many bad situations, she is a rock because she loves the Lord. Her greatest desire now is to help her family also find God. She is so amazing, she even bore her testimony in fast and testimony meeting yesterday! We love her so much! She is so ready and will be a great warrior in the Lord's kingdom!

Chelsea is going strong as well. We taught her everything and now she just needs her interview. She has a goal to read the Book of Mormon before her baptism...she still has a lot to read, but I know either way, she will be ready. She is excited to make this step.

Now we get to do some awesome finding this week as we continue to prepare these two precious daughters to step into the waters of baptism.

I was studying Moroni 7 today about faith, hope, and charity. These mean nothing unless we are meek and lowly in heart (i.e. willing to submit to the Father's will). As we pray for charity, as we cleave to faith, as we are willing to submit to the will of the Lord, anything is possible, and he will use us a worthy tools in His hands, not by our own strength or desires, but by His.

I know this is the Lord's work. It is so much bigger than even I can comprehend. Miracles still happen today when we endure, when we have the faith. I wouldn't take back any of the struggles we've had over the last several months. I wouldn't take back any of our experiences. And my heart is full of gratitude for the things I have witnessed, for the things that I get to be a part of. I know I have no claim to any credit. It was the Lord, in His infinite mercy and love for me and for His children here in South Carolina.

Have an amazing week all y'all!


Sister Cottam

P.S. I'm training  :)