Monday, June 3, 2013 plan.

Life has moved forward at a very fast pace since I returned home! After one month at home, I was whisked off to school and have been neck deep in work (early morning custodial) and classes ever since. But, I am so grateful for the lessons in discipline and diligence that I've learned these past weeks, especially about the importance of setting aside time--no matter how busy and exhausted I may be--for the gospel. If I set God as a main priority, life has more meaning, the Spirit is with me more to bring peace, and I have more joy!

For my English Literature class this term, we've been learning about many wonderful works of literature. I had the opportunity for an assignment to imitate one of the pieces/genres we've read. I chose a Shakespearean Sonnet. I want to share it:

While other maidens long may swoon and sway
At sight of knights with shining armor strong.
I find no charm in men on steeds whose way
Will lead him far from home and me too long.
Though dryads, nymphs, do fall for woos of love
When dukes quite fair or simple shepherds sing.
Their fine words weaved in verse ‘bout May’s lace gloves
Allure me not; I know their hearts doth swing.
So princes flaunt your crowned heads no more
No treasures adorn my neck or face or cheek.
Of these such means so vain I will ignore;
For heart that’s pure, among the throng I seek.
            Yet joy fill my soul and in dreams ascend;
            I'll find pure heart to love: a dearest friend.

This poem is inspired by some of my past and recent experiences. :) There are things much deeper than the surface that are of far greater value. Fondness and swooning are nice, but when it is simple and sincere, it is so much richer and so much more wonderful and amazing.

One of the main things I have learned deeply these past few weeks is that God does answer prayers. He has heard the yearnings of my heart and has guided me and blessed me far more than I feel I deserve. Often, it has passed all my understanding that the events of this past month have laid out the way they have, and then my heart fills with pure joy and gratitude because of it. God has a plan for each and everyone one of us. If we'll just heed His guidance, the journey, though hard at times, will be amazing!

"Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy." (2 Nephi 2:27)

We are infinitely blessed when we do it according to "His will. His way" (Pres. Holm).