Tuesday, December 20, 2011

the week of losing my companion and transfers. Oh yeah, and Christmas :)

This past week has been amazing and crazy all rolled into one. Sister Jepsen's mission ended last Friday. It has been hard to see her go, but I am so grateful we were able to work hard through to the end. On Tuesday we had our Christmas zone conference, so we only had Wednesday and Thursday to work in Gaffney. Those were the busiest best two days of my entire mission so far. I loved working my tail off! I bet that sounds odd to hear me say, but there's something about putting my whole self into the work of the Lord that fills my soul with joy and thanksgiving for the gospel. We had two days full of appointments, and even when several of those fell through, we found one of our backups at home, so we taught them. It was awesome and amazing. No, we didn't have any overwhelming spiritual lessons or someone jump into the waters of baptism, but the constant work and opportunities to teach were wonderful.

On Friday I was dropped off in Spartenburg and Sister Jepsen was taken to Columbia. It felt so weird to be with out her. I have spent the last few days in a trio with Sister Beckstrom and Serafine. They love the work and don't mind laughing and having fun. It's been a different pace from the last week with Sis. Jepsen, but we've still had some wonderful finding and teaching experiences. This last Sunday, Pres. and Sis. Holm spoke in the Gaffney ward. I knew I was going to be in Spartenburg, so I was so sad that I wouldn't get to be there (plus, I knew Sis. Jepsen would be there with her parents). I had come to accept the fact that I wouldn't be there, but I got a call at 8:50am from the mission president. He expressed how it wouldn't be quite right to speak in Gaffney without the missionaries there, so he offered to pick me up on their way there! I was sooooo excited. At 10am, they picked just me up from the Spartenburg church building, and I rode with them to Gaffney. Sis. Holm became my companion for the next few hours. The whole ward was surprised to see me because I had told them I wasn't going to be there, and of course Sis. Jepsen was so happy to see me. She told me how strange it had been for her to be without me (seems like we've grown pretty close ;) ). I am so grateful to the Lord for letting me be in Gaffney for that short time again and to get to hear what my mission president said to the ward so I can continue to encourage his message as I work there in the coming weeks.

Transfers are this Wednesday. I am happy to say I will still be in Gaffney, and I will have either one or two new companions (not set in stone yet). I am so happy to still work there because I have fallen in love with the people and the area. I can't wait to get back there and hit the ground running this coming Wednesday. There's a lot of work yet to do in Gaffney, SC !

By the way, check out my mormon.org profile! If you search "oboe idaho" you'll pull me right up :) . I'll have to tell you all about the pilot concept "Best Relationships Proselyting" next week. Our mission is piloting it for the rest of the Church. It's going to be awesome :D ! But alas, I am out of time.

Love you all lots!!! Can't wait to talk to you on Sunday! and have a very merry Christmas!


Sister Cottam

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

work = happy

Hey family!

This week the work has picked up. We got three new solid investigators! One of them is a media refferal Eddie. He ordered a video for his nephew who is only 7 (which reminded me of Omar). We found out the second time we met him that he actually has met with missionaries on and off for almost 10 years! But I think this time he may be ready. He is reading the Book of Mormon and seriously considering baptism!

Also, we got to teach Sis. Porr's daughter twice this past week. She is open and willing to learn. She believed Joseph Smith was a prophet even before praying about it. She is set to get baptized on Dec. 31. Her mom slipped a little on the smoking this past week, but has quit again. It was so interesting to see the change in her. When we went on Tuesday to teach her daughter we could tell she was in a lot of pain and a light had gone out of her. Then, when we went over a few days later the light was back in her face and she wasn't in as much pain. She told us how she had slipped and how the smoking was keeping the pain pills from working properly. I think mainly the Lord was trying to remind her of what she needed to do. She had been promised in her blessing that if she would stop taking in those harmful substances and do as the Lord wanted her too, miracles would happen. I have seen it. I could tell when the spirit was with her and when it was not. It makes such a huge difference.

The third new investigator we taught last night. She was a member refferal from last summer that we've been trying to get in contact with throughout the last three months. We were finally able to sit down, get to know her and her needs, and teach her about the restoration. She felt the spirit strongly and knew what we taught was true. I am excited to continue teaching her and helping build her faith so that she can find blessings and bless the lives of her family as well. This gospel is so amazing.

This next week is going to be crazy. My companion, Sister Jepsen, is going home on Friday, but transfers aren't until the next week. So I will get to spend several days in Spartenburg with the nearest set of sisters and then come back with my new companion to Gaffney the next week. It's going to be a strange, but good experience to work with these other sisters for a few days. The ward is very happy to hear that I am coming back:) .

Have a great week! Don't forget to keep the spirit of Christ in your heart this Christmas!


Sister Cottam

Monday, December 5, 2011

25 days of christmas

Hey family,

The work is still slow here, but we have faith that as we press forward with faith in Christ that the work will pick up. We only have one investigator right now and she's even struggling, but the Lord has blessed us with tender mercies throughout the past weeks. We've gotten a couple of refferals from members! One of them is so ready to take the next step. He's been investigating the church on his own for almost two years and has asked his LDS coworker many questions. The only thing holding us back right now is setting up a time to meet him and his wife, but I know it will happen when the Lord wants it to. Do you remember the less active sister I wrote about last week? Sis. Porr finally went in for surgery this last Thursday. She received a priesthood blessing the night before. She texted us afterwards and said she threw her cigarettes out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Lord has truly softened her heart and she is so open to learn and obey. It is a miracle in the making. We are going to start teaching her daughter who was never baptized next week. I count my blessings for the service the ward has done and that we were able to render to help her head in the right direction. So even though we don't have many solid investigators right now, the Lord is blessing us with some teaching opportunities, success with some of our less active sisters, referrals, and so many other small things every day.

We got to watch the Christmas devotional yesterday. I loved it. The spirit was so strong throughout the meeting. I loved President Eyring's talk concentrating on the symbol of light. The Savior is truly a light to the world and He offers everything to us if we will take it. He gave us so many magnificant gifts that we can never repay. Out on the mission, the Christmas spirit is a little different this year for me than it ever has been before. A little to my surprise, I'm not at all worried about gifts or commercial things; I'm only worried about others, for the welfare of their souls. I am so thankful for the chance I get to serve my God 24/7 during this Christmas season, to share His gifts with others so they can find peace, joy, and light. It's so amazing. I am eternally indebted to my Savior and all that he does for me, and the least I can do is give a little bit of time to Him to help bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of His children in South Carolina. At the last leadership training, they told us, "You are away from your family for a little time so that other families can be together forever." I love that.

Remember to share the gospel during this season. Service is truly one of the best ways to get into the "Christ spirit". If any of you are looking for something simple to do for missionary work, go on mormon.org and set up a profile. It's simply baring your testimony for anyone to read. Our mission president has really been urging our members to set up profiles. It helps to see what people in your area believe about this gospel.

Anyway, have a wonderful week y'all. Don't forget to keep the love and light of Christ-mas in your hearts every day!

Love you!

Sister Cottam