Monday, October 29, 2012

don't forget to have faith!

It's been a windy week as the storm passed by us, but no rain. So,
Mom, don't worry too much. <3
The longer I'm out on my mission, the more I ponder about the impact
my mission will have in the long term, and the more I desire to see
the gospel touch other's lives. Even while we are struggling to help
the work move forward here, my heart yearns all the more for the
opportunity to touch even just one person's heart and make a
difference. Often I have to remember this is not my work, this is the
Lord's. He sees the greater picture when I cannot. He knows where that
next ready soul is waiting, or what seeds need to planted in someone's
heart. So, even though we see little results in the short term, I'm
striving not to drop my faith, but increase it as my desire increases.
I want so much to make a difference. I guess the Lord is trying to
teach me patience and perseverence.
We had several miracles happen this week. We had knocked on Aleshia's
door two weeks ago, but she was about to head out and asked us to come
back another time. After a couple of times, we weren't able to catch
her. Well, we were in her area again this past Tuesday and were
writing a note to put on another person's door and Aleshia walked out
of her apartment to get something from her car. When she saw us
standing there across the hall from her, she said excitedly, "Oh,
you're back! Good, I just got off work so I have time today."  Of
course we were excited too and after we finished our note she welcomed
us in. I don't know if I've ever met anyone so ready for the gospel,
so ready for the blessings it can bring for her family. She felt the
Spirit, and she was excited to read from the Book of Mormon.
We met Candace and Kevin this week too. We knocked on Candace's door,
and though she is fairly active in her church, she was open to our
message and felt the Spirit. The even greater miracle was when Kevin
called us several days later and asked us to come talk with him. We
just happened to be out with a member, so we went over right then. I
know he felt the Spirit touch his heart. He felt the peace that can
come only from God. Both of these families were planning on coming to
church, but neither made it this week. That was hard for us to
swallow, but I was reminded that even if nothing happened this week,
it's the Lord's timing, not mine and we need to trust in that, trust
in God's power to have an influence on their lives. I want so much for
them to accept and embrace the gospel fully.  One day--hopefully
soon--they will.
We contacted one of our referrals this week. They welcomed us right in
and welcomed us back. We're excited to share more with them!
Oh, and guess what. This Saturday, Elder David A. Bednar is coming to
our mission for a mission conference! I'm very excited to receive
direct guidance for our mission from one of the Lord's chosen
Even when it's rough, I love being a missionary!
Have a wonderful week ya'll!
Sister Cottam
P.S. thanks for the pictures!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

We were at the Dillworth's for dinner a while back and they took pictures of us and wanted to send them to our parents.

photo (1)photo (2)photo

lessons in the Spirit: love (from Monday, October 15, 2012)

We've been working hard and striving to be more effective and obedient. We were able to teach several of our investigators and are searching for new ones, and we were both excited to have one of our investigators come to church! Her name is Autumn. We found out a couple of people in the ward know her from work and they welcomed her there. One of the speakers in Sacrament bore a very strong testimony that he knew the church was true, and that got Autumn thinking. We talked with her later that night. She was taken aback by it, but it also spiked her curiosity. She told us she wants to find out what the truth is. She committed to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. I'm grateful the Spirit directed us to talk with her last night, even though we didn't have an appointment with her.

My back is continuing to heal which is a great blessing which means we're gradually able work harder. Our mission doctor gave me several exercises that I'm beginning to use to strengthen my back muscles. Along with strengthening my back, I'm striving to strengthen my teaching, to teach more simply and clearly through the Spirit. That's not always easy to do, but as I have begun to study the lessons more in depth, I've gained deeper understanding and then I'm able to explain things more simply. I know the Spirit is necessary for this work. It is critical not only for us as we teach, but for the investigator as they study out the things we say. Without it, there is no proof that what we say is even remotely true. Without it, we're throwing a bag of tools into someone's face rather than giving them the one they need. 

As we taught our investigator Marilyn about the Plan of Salvation this past week, I felt the strong impression that we needed to teach her the Law of Chastity. We had just found out that the man she was living with was her boyfriend. At first I was afraid that she would drop us or avoid us if we threw that on her, but the Spirit said again, teach it. That's what she needs. So, though a little reluctant, at the end of the plan, I began to teach her about this sacred law and invited her to live it. As we taught, the room was tense as the Spirit told Marilyn that what we were saying was true and she needed to change. She told us it would be hard to live, and didn't give a definite yes. We've been unable to sit down to teach her since then, but I still feel that was the right thing to do. If we don't invite them to change, to repent, they will never progress, even when we know what we're asking them to do is hard. I pray that the Spirit gives her the courage to do what she needs to do. She wants baptism so much, and that will be a crucial step for her to take. I love her so much. Now I know a little more how God feels about His children. He gives us what we need, even when He knows it will be hard. He loves us enough to give it to us, because He knows it will help us and bless our lives in the long run.

I know this is the Lord's work, and even when it's hard, I love being a missionary.

I love all ya'll! Have a wonderful week. Stay close to the Lord and He will direct you to do much good.


Sister Cottam

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I'm a Mormon. I know it. I live it. I LOVE IT!

Even a midst trials, the Lords blesses us as we work diligently with faith in His work. 

For me, this has been a frustrating week as I pulled a muscle in my lower back (in the shower of all places...). It kept us from doing a lot of the things we needed and wanted to do, but the Lord has helped us. We have a wonderfully strong investigator named Marilyn. Her heart is so prepared. She is a sweet, humble sister in her 50's  and has a thirst for understanding. She has a strong desire to one day be baptized (and I think she has just waited until she could find the right church to do it) and receive the Holy Ghost. We've been able to answer a lot of her questions, and I've watched the Spirit touch her heart when we are there. She's on date with a calendar for Nov. 3, and we're excited to help her prepare. We'll be getting the ball rolling today with the BRP as we help a sister in the ward write a few letters. The longer I'm out on my mission, the more I realize the importance of member-missionary work. When it comes through them, it makes all the difference.

As I was mostly bed-ridden for a couple of days, my appreciation and love for this work grew. I realized what a blessing it is to be a missionary and how much I truly, deeply love this work. All I wanted to do was be out and about, but my injury wouldn't let me (thankfully it was general conference weekend so I was able to still lay down and listen to the wonderful messages shared). I took some of that time to reflect and Sister Jaye helped organize our records. I am so grateful for the gospel, for the precious truths that we have at our finger tips. There's nothing else like it. I love being a missionary! I'm on the mend and we've been able to go out more often to our appointments. I'm still trying to be careful. The Lord is providing.

I loved General Conference. So many of the messages centered around service and deepening our conversion of the gospel. I especially enjoyed Elder Bednar's talk during which he said that testimony is not enough to keep us up in the storms of life. I realized the reason why I feel the way I do about the gospel, the reason why it is so ingrained into my heart and that I have such a huge desire to share it is because somewhere along the line, after a multitude of experiences, my heart has been converted, and I rejoice in it. I love the gospel so much. I know all things really are fulfilled by faith and that true discipleship is truly about doing and becoming. Service is an amazing thing and I am excited to serve not just here on my mission, but in every avenue of life. I loved Elder Ballard's comparison of service to pollinating the world :). My favorite talk by far though, was Elder Holland's. He gave a similar message at the MTC last January. Every apartment in our mission has a copy of it. That call to life-long service is a sacred one. I hope I will always be able to kneel before the Master and say with all my heart, "Yea, Lord I do love thee, and I am willing to do anything you ask me to do." And then have the strength and courage to do it. There's a reflective question in Preach My Gospel under Christlike attributes that says: "I have enough faith to do anything the Lord asks--even miracles if necessary."   Those miracles are great and small with each act of service we do, each prompting we follow...and it all starts with faith.

Have a wonderful week! I love you all lots!


Sister Cottam

Monday, October 1, 2012

faith…everything depends on it

Guess what...I got to pick a piece of cotton! that's a souvenir I will
treasure for a long time. We were going down a dirt road between
cotton fields to visit a less active member and stopped for a couple
seconds to grab a piece. God's creations are simply amazing.
We are still working hard finding and teaching. We had the wonderful
opportunity to have Sis. Chai and Allen visit us this week. Every few
transfers we'll be having sister exchanges to learn and grow and feel
support. I highly enjoyed it. Sister Chai was in my MTC district :) .
I loved talking with her and seeing how much we had each grown.
While they were here I discovered several things in myself that I need
to improve. Probably the most important lesson I learned is this:
everything depends on faith. If I don't have faith in my
investigators, they won't progress. They can feel if we care about
them, if we expect them to succeed or not, because it shows in our
body language and actions towards them. They can feel if we have
enough faith in our message that we know it is true. They can tell if
we have faith in what we say by our confidence. You can't fake the
Spirit. I found myself this transfer expecting investigators to not be
home, not have read, or to drop us the next time, because we haven't
seen much different. But if, even though I was sort of hoping, I
doubt, then I can't have faith and we won't see miracles. If nothing
else is learned on my mission, faith is the biggest, most important
thing for me to learn and develop. Everything else stems from that one
principle. Because I tried to have faith that day, we met some amazing
The Equation for Success/Growth/Progress/etc:
Faith+Diligence+Patience=Fruit  (Alma 32)
That applies to building faith, gaining a testimony, raising a family,
missionary work...everything. D&C 123:17
The Lord is truly good. I am so grateful for the Atonement and for the
fulness of the gospel on the earth today. It's true! Christ lives! And
this is His same church back on the earth again! I love the gospel,
and I love being a missionary!
Keep on keeping on :)
Have a wonderful week ya'll!
Sister Cottam