Monday, February 25, 2013

I'll go where you want me to go!

We've worked hard this week, and despite my companion's health issues, we've done much good. We've been reconcentrating our efforts in our area, Thomson. And I am finally feeling at peace about having to leave most of what I knew behind (investigators, recent converts, members). The longer we're here, the more we feel that there is a great work waiting to be done on our side of the ward, work that God has called us to do. No, we don't have very many active members in our area. No, we can't really visit people I have grown to love. Yes, we have to give our old investigators completely over to the Elders...but that's okay, because that's why he assigned those missionaries here, that's why he asked us to work in Thomson. We found a good apartment this week to move into and are just waiting for it to be approved. We want to move as soon as possible so our work can be more effective.

We've had a lot of wonderful opportunities to work with less active members and found a few new investigators this week. We found a large family, the Thomas's, and are excited to work with them. It was intimidating at first to teach them b/c there were so many (Grandparents and about 7 grandkids) but I have grown to love them and pray for them often. I'm excited to keep teaching them.

We got to find someone for the Elders to teach this week. It was a miracle. On Wednesday, our plans fell through and we had a couple hours before we had dinner with a member in the area.  It was our old area, but I didn't want to tred on the Elders. As we were trying to figure out who to see, I remembered a promising lead nearby who we had struggled to contact. I knew the Elders didn't know about her, so we followed the prompting and immediately headed her way. Dora, the one we had talked to before, wasn't home, but her 19yr old son was. He called her, and she couldn't make it back in time, so we said we would try back another day. Two days later on our way back into town from one of my physical therapy appointments (which are going well and helping a lot), we stopped by. Dora was home and had time to talk! We had an amazing visit with her and she expressed her sincere desire to learn more. Her close friend in Nevada had recently joined the Church and she had been sharing what she was learning with Dora. Dora wanted what the church and the gospel offers because she feels it will bless her and help her sons become better people. We left her with a Book of Mormon and scheduled for Sunday so we could introduce the Elders. On our way to the Sunday appointment she texted and said another day would be better, but we felt we should still go over for a couple minutes. When we showed up, she knew it was God reminding her this was important and she could take a couple minutes in the busy day to talk. She was excited to meet the Elders and felt that they would be perfect for her sons (who are 19 and 17). As the Elders bore testimony of the blessings of the gospel, the Spirit gave me peace that they were Dora's missionaries. I learned that if a missionary is obedient and righteous, it doesn't matter who they are; the Lord will use them as tools in His hands to bless His children. I want to be one of His tools!

I know God guides and teaches us through the Spirit. I know that there are people around us who are waiting for the gospel, whether they know it or not, and if we will seek for opportunities to be God's tools, He will use us to bless them. The gospel blesses our lives so much! I'm so grateful I get to share it with others.

Expect miracles. See people as they can be. Love ya!


Sister Cottam

Monday, February 18, 2013

Enduring well

It has been a busy week! We finished splitting our area and are enjoying the first week of working with Elders in our ward. My new companion is Sister Gardner. I'm excited to work with her here. She's is brimming with faith and is helping me stretch and grow. I've learned how to appreciate change this week as I've opened my heart to continue learning and growing. Newish area, new people, new companion, and new ways to share the gospel.

Vince is doing well. He continues to grow and mature. I love watching him move forward, no matter the obstacle, to seek true repentance and healing on the path of the gospel. We had stake conference this week. He got to go to the adult session and the Sunday session. He loved many of the messages shared as said again, "I still have so much to learn!"

During my studies this week, God taught me an important lesson. I got "stuck" on the first few verses of 2 Nephi 2 where Lehi is talking to his son Jacob about all that Jacob has been through. As I pondered on those verses, writing in my study journal about what Jacob endured, the Spirit taught me what "enduring" really means (and then it was reiterated in stake conference!). Enduring to the End doesn't mean we hang on for dear life until it's over...enduring well means taking the situation and thriving in it. A speaker in stake conference put it in perfect wording: being "anxiously engaged in a good cause". During these final weeks I don't want to just "hang on", I want to thrive. The Lord blessed me with the perfect companion to help me do so. The Lord is hastening His work. It will go on whether we are part of it or not.

I want to be a part of it.

I'm in the middle of my mission. I've so much still to learn. I'm excited to get to work and find those who need us, who need the hope of the gospel!

Have a good week y'all! Endure it well.


Sister Cottam

Monday, February 11, 2013

News: baptism and white washing (this is from today)

This week has been CRAZY!

We took care of several health issues and planned a baptism. I don't like having to take time to take care of my health, but I am glad that I have, because it is helping a lot, and in the long run, I know it will be better.

We had a wonderful week though as we helped Vince Crow finish preparing for his baptism. Last minute, our bishop asked if we could move the baptism to Friday evening instead of Saturday morning (there was a temple trip that morning). We scrambled all day to be sure everyone could still make it, and everything worked out for the better (I'm grateful for our bishop's inspiration). Vince was so ready (even though we did it a day earlier than originally planned) and was very excited and nervous. I have loved watching him literally grow in the gospel.

I gained a testimony this weekend of the power of ordinances. Maybe it has just been my hightened sensitivity to the Spirit, or something else, but as each ordinance was performed (baptism on Friday and confirmation on Sunday), it was as if I felt heaven's power for that moment. I could sense the priesthood and power of God at work in this humble man's life and that it had forever changed him. He is becoming more and more like the man God sees in him. As I watched him interact on Saturday at the ward activity, I could tell the gospel had a huge impact on his life. He had purpose again. I know the gospel is true, that the priesthood power is real, and that ordinances help us acheive Celestial goals. I read an article in the new member Ensign that came out several years ago that was by Elder Holland and he said that there is nothing Terrestial or Telestial about the Church. Everything in the Church is geared towards Celestial goals. As I have thought about it, I have realized how true that is and how grateful I am for it.

Well, transfers are this week. Sister Steimle is leaving. We also found out that they're moving Elders into the ward. They will be biking in Harlem and the sisters will be moving to Thomson. They're still looking for a place for us to move to, so the poor elders are going to live with the nearest missionaries 20 miles away for a couple of weeks. I know it'll all work out. I am excited and humbled by the prospect of working in the Thomson side of the ward. I know it is the Lord's will, and it has been inspiring, as we have sought inspiration for how to organize everything, how the Spirit does direct us.

This is the Lord's work.

Have a wonderful week!


Sister Cottam

P.S. the first picture is of the baptism. Bro. Tindall(the chief fellowshipper) is the tall dark haired one and Vince is the blonde scruffy guy. The second picture is Bro. Trover standing over a hundred pounds of pork smoked for our ward activity...soooo good.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

faith to get a ride (from February 4, 2013)

It's been an amazing, stressful, and miracle-filled week. We continue to work with Vince. I am still amazed at the growth I see in him, at the changes in his countance, and his sensitivity to the Spirit...etc. I love it. I count my blessing every time we teach him or talk with him when he asks a good question, thanks us for all the help, and bears his testimony to us. I'm learning more and more how true that scripture in D&C is about finding His elect. That is our calling. Through us, the Lord changes lives.

The day before the missionary fireside (Wednesday) this week, we were still struggling to find Vince a ride. We didn't hear back from the member who had said he would take care of finding a ride, and then everyone we were calling couldn't do it. Thursday afternoon we were still without a ride. We prayed with all our hearts for a miracle. We made a few more phone calls. Then, later in the afternoon we received 3 return calls offering him a ride. We were amazed and felt so blessed that the Lord had provided the miracle we were seeking. Vince was able to go to the fireside, have his testimony strengthened and questions answered, and the brother who brought him was also able to have an uplifting experience in a hard week. Faith is a principle of action. As we prayed with the expectation that God would answer, then did everything in our power to make it happen, a mountain moved. I've learned so much about faith and hope, that expectation that God will fulfill His promises. It's not always according to our will or in our timing, but He does answer. I know He does. I've seen it very powerfully this week, and it's amazing.

We have been seeking for new investigators this week while we help Vince prepare for baptism this Saturday. We've found several new potential investigators and hope for the best. All in the Lord's timing.

I love this gospel and love being a missionary!

Have a good week!

Sister Cottam

Divine potential (from January 28, 2013)

This week has been an intense spiritual learning experience. As we've continued to work with Vince, I am amazing by the power of the gospel and the Holy Ghost to change people's lives. I've also come to realize how overwhelming life can be and how truly blessed I am to have the things I do, to have grown up in the home I did, to have the fulness of the gospel in my life. It struck me so plainly and so powerfully this week how blessed I am as we have seen Vince struggle with his living conditions, his emotional struggles because of it, and his spiritual growth. He is hungry for the peace that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can bring. He wants it so much and seeks every opportunity to have it. It's the hope he had lost. It's the peace he now needs. It's the motivation he desires. It's the hands to pull him out. It's the direction he has been looking for. What strikes me so much is how the Lord has prepared him, and prepared us to meet at this time. There are experiences that Sister Steimle and I have been through that are exactly what this son of God needs at this time in his life. Vince is excited to be baptized on Feb. 9th :) . He is really solid on preparing for that day. I love it!

This scripture keeps sticking out in my mind this week: "But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen. (1 Nephi 9:6)" I stand all amazed at God's power and plan for us. I see in Vince an amazing man with so much potential.

We have another missionary fireside this week. I'm excited for it. we have several people who have committed to come (part member families, less active families, and Vince) I'm excited for them to go and feel the Spirit there.

Hope y'all have a wonderful week! Touch someone's life this week :)


Sister Cottam

one good man (from January 21, 2013)

This week has been full of all kinds of ups and downs, but it has been an amazing growing experience. I am so grateful for the Lord's hand in my life and in this work. I feel like every single day the Lord is shaping me and shaping the people around me in ways that I don't even comprehend.

First I want to share a really cool analogy that Sister Steimle came up with today. She was studying about the Atonement, and in the 3rd article of faith, it says: "We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel." I never realized how poweful that really is. Many believe that we can't get to heaven by our works, but in the restored Gospel, we have learned differently. In this article of faith, Joseph Smith was describing pure and simply how the Atonement is essential to allowing us to be saved (because we can't accomplish anything on our own, anything without it). Without the Atonement we're helpless, but then Joseph adds another phrase " obedience...". In other words, we have to do certain things in order to access that saving power. Sister Steimle, being an art minor, compaired it to clay molding. The Atonement is like the clay and our hands are like our obedience. Without the clay, our hands have nothing to do, nothing to accomplish. Without our hands, the clay sits there, a blob, useless. The Atonement is neccissary for our progression. We have no hope without it and it's through this medium of the Atonement that our obedience can make a difference, that our actions can create something better. The Gospel is all about acting on our faith and using the Atonement to become better. Wow.

We've had a couple of opportunities to teach our new investigator Vince this week. He is an amazing son of God. He loves learning and is emmersing himself in the gospel, and he's doing it because he wants it. We taught him about our purpose (inviting others to come unto Christ by living the Gospel) the Restoration last Wednesday and the Spirit was strong. Vince has such a childlike faith, such a humble desire to follow Christ, to be baptized, and to have a better life. He called us last Tuesday and prayed with us and talked with us. He had asked his active brother in Washington to teach him how to pray! and then after our lesson with him, he called on Friday and asked about how to apply the Atonement to quitting smoking! When I think about this man's faith, about his diligent effort in applying the gospel in his life, about his sincere desire to be more and do better, I feel so humbled and I pray that we will be a help and not a hinderance to this sweet man's progression, that the Lord will use us as tools in his hands to bless this man's life now and forever. This work is so much bigger than we are. I love it so much.

It's at times like these that I wish it would never end, that my mission would last forever. And then I am reminded that it doesn't really end, that I'll be a missionary for the rest of my life, just without the name tag.

What a wonderful plan our Heavenly Father has. What an amazing Gospel. What an overwhelming opportunity it is to be a missionary.

Have a wonderful week!


Sister Cottam

P.S. Hope you like the pics from the Sister's Training. The first is Sister Steimle and me. The second is the sisters from my MTC district :) Oh yah, and I was one of the ones who put up all those balloons ;) that was fun.


humble man+church=peace (from January 15, 2013)

Sorry this is a day late. The email site wouldn't work for us yesterday, so we received permission to do it today.

This has been a busy and wonderful week. I feel like I've learned so many important lessons this week. We had Specialized Sister's Training on Wednesday, and I loved it! There was such an amazing Spirit there, one that struck me deeply and has had a great affect on me throughout the week. I felt like the Spirit was truly the teacher that day. I learned a lot about humility and charity, the importance of divine worth, not comparing myself (good or bad) to others, an increased desire to be MY best, trusting in God, having faith in others, etc. The things I learned then have led me in a search to get to know myself better and know how to improve. The Spirit has continued to be my teacher each day. The lessons I am being taught have helped me improve my relationships with others and my efforts in this work. I know this work is so precious and this calling is so sacred. I am so grateful I get to be a missionary. I love it!
This weekend we've had some wonderful experiences. I feel that now that I am opening myself more to the Lord and striving to be truly humble, He is blessing us. We were able to finally sit down with an investigator, Willie, and a potential investigator family in Thomson this weekend. We had good lessons with both of them and are excited to continue working with them. We also had a wonderful opportunity to talk with an investigator, Hope, from North Augusta (she's meeting with the elders there). She is a good friend of a less active family who we've been working with. Sister Hilliard took the liberty of inviting her friend Hope to dinner with us this week. She sat in on part of our lesson with the Hilliards' son and then over dinner we were able to answer a lot of her questions and bear our testimonies of the gospel. It was a precious opportunity to share in her conversion process. I love working through members!

We had another miracle yesterday at church. In ward council they informed us of a man who would be visiting that day. His younger brother is an active member in Washington state and he called to ask the ward to help his struggling brother, for he knew the gospel could help. The man, Vince, came to church and enjoyed all of the services. We were then able to take time after church to answer any questions and set up a time to teach him more. Vince is so humble and ready to make changes in his life. I know the gospel will bless him so much. To add to that miracle, today he gave us a call because he was struggling again and needed someone to talk to. He prayed with us and talked to us about the reading he has been doing in the Book of Mormon and the new Teachings of the Prophets book. He told us that he had never thought about there being living prophets on the earth today, but that the idea becomes more and more real to him as he keeps reading. My heart is full of joy when I think about how the gospel is already affecting Vince's life.
I am grateful for the Lord's hand in this work. I know it is His work and I am so grateful I get to be a part of it! I love being a missionary. I love getting to learn and grow every day. We never stop learning.
Have a great week!

Sister Cottam

new year...bigger area (from January 7, 2013)

The other sisters left this week. It was a very quiet few days. I felt like an important part of me left as they drove away early Wednesday morning and both Sister Steimle and I had to go through the grieving process for a couple days. Gratefully, we've stayed very busy as we have worked on combining the areas back together. We both feel a little overwhelmed and worn out, but the Spirit continues to comfort us and we know God has a purpose in it all. There is someone(or many people) who we are meant to meet. Though tired, I find myself thanking God for this opportunity. I know it will be a time of streching. We're going to stay busy and will learn how to work more effectively as we expand our area.

We've met some wonderful people this past week. Sister Bell and Kloepfel took us to meet their investigators the day before they left and they have left us with a lot of good work to do in Thomson. I pray the Lord will use us as tools in His hands to bring souls to Christ this transfer. In Thomson we met a young man knocking. The amazing part about it is that Sister Steimle and Sister Roos knocked into him in a different neighborhood before the area was split. We talked to him for a few minutes on his door step and he expressed his desire to get back on track with God. After a miracle like that, we know God has a plan in store for him, and we were placed there to be a part of it. I'm full of anticipation to see how the gospel will bless his life.

We continue to work with a wonderful less active family, the Hilliards. We've been teaching their young son who turned 8 last month. My joy in working with this family has been full as we have seen Sister Hilliard slowly but surely progress again in the gospel. The lessons we've been teaching have been as much for her benefit as they have been for Eli. They've been to church 3 weeks in a row and Eli is becoming more and more solid in the gospel as we teach him.

I'm so grateful to be in the service of God. I love this gospel so much and each day I learn more and more about it and about God's plan for us. I am so grateful for the deeping faith with which the Lord has blessed me throughout my mission and know he will continue to teach me this coming year. I am so grateful to be a missionary and be in God's service. Have a Happy New Year!

Have a wonderful week!
Sister Cottam


Some pics from the holidays:

"I am a mormon" t-shirts from Sister Steimle's mom :)

Our living room on Christmas eve

(this one's for you Mom<3) An awesome street sign 

Our last district meeting with the other sisters

Me and Sister Steimle

Love all y'all!

Sister Cottam





Remember… (from December 31, 2012)

We had a wonderful Christmas. We went caroling with the other sisters to less active members and our most recent convert, (of several months) Ada and her family, on Christmas Eve. After we got in, we shared our Christmas traditions with each other and read through the Nativity in the dim glow of Christmas lights. It was wonderfully memorable. On Christmas day, we opened gifts, had breakfast with the young Heaton family around 9:30am, and then have "dinner" with the Bishop and his family around 1pm. I loved getting to talk with y'all. That evening we went and caroled some more. It was a holiday full of the Spirit.

We heard about transfers. Sister Steimle and I are staying together, but the other sisters are leaving, which means our ward is going back to one set of missionaries. I'm sure sometime in the near future they'll get a second set, but for now, we have the fun task of covering one of the biggest areas in the mission ;) . Sister Bell is finishing her mission this week. It's been a true testimony builder for me to watch her press forward to the end. Her example will help me do the same. I know better what to expect, etc. I'm sad to be losing Sister Kloepfel as well, but she is going to open a new area, so she is excited and nervous at the same time. The apartment will be very quiet come Wednesday.

This week has been one of pure growth for me. We've had disappointments and miracles. Looking back I am reminded of the scripture in Ether that says we don't receive a witness until after the trial of our faith. My faith was tested. And because it was, I have learned some important things.

We met a sweet sister last week, but on Friday when we went over for our return appointment, there was a note on the door informing us that they had decided to stay in their own church and asked that we not visit again. We walked away heart-broken. We had so much faith in that wonderful sister. We know she felt the Spirit, and yet, she chose another path for now. I pray that one day she'll be open to learning the fulness of the gospel, because I know how many more blessings it can bring to her and her family. A couple hours later though, we had an appointment with a less active family who want to help their 8 year old son Eli get baptized. We've been visiting them over the last couple of months and they've been slowly progressing. The whole family came to Sacrament meeting last week! and then again this week (except for the dad because he was reassigned to California and left the day after Christmas)! Slowly but surely, Eli and his mom are moving forward. It is amazing to watch. The Lord reminded me that there are people who do believe His gospel, who do want it in their lives, and who really do see the blessings that come from it. 

The next day, we visited another less active family where he is a member and she is not. She is so sweet and we always feel a good spirit around her, but we finally sat down with him too, and as we talked, he was very bitter and his heart was hardened by a line of difficult experiences in his life. All I could feel for him was love and pity. He accepted nothing we tried to say to comfort or help him. He verbally closed the door on the Spirit. We left another home depressed and down trodden, but this time all I felt was a helpless love for him and desire for him to have the Atonement work in his life...but I knew that he wouldn't let it in. Later that night, we went to try to catch a lead home named Heather. I met her several weeks ago while we were on exchanges, but we hadn't been able to catch her home. This night, her husband answered the door, invited us right in, and we got to sit and teach this wonderful family about Christ's church. The Spirit was simple, but strong and we answered their questions and bore testimony of the things we knew. They would have a big lifestyle change when they do join the church because they both work in the alcohol business, but as we spoke to them about the word of wisdom, Sister Steimle and I felt peace knowing that the Lord would work miracles in their lives.

There are hard times and amazing times. Some of God's children are ready for His gospel while others are not. He loves them all the same. His heart yearns for their welfare, but He also knows they have to make their own choices. This week I saw a taste of heaven through God's eyes. I witnessed through the Spirit how God views His was amazing.

I love this work. The work of salvation is vital. We are called to move it forward...I love being a missionary now and for the rest of my life.

Happy New Year!


Sister Cottam

Monday, February 4, 2013

What shall we give...? (from December 24, 2012)


To whoever sent the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas CD to me via Amazon...Thank you!!!! I love it! It has really helped shape my perspective of the season. There's on song on it called "What Shall We Give to the Babe in the Manger?" and it has caused me so much reflection on the "why" not only of Christmas, but of being on a mission:

What shall we give to the Babe in the manger?

What shall we offer the Child in the stall?

Incense and spices and gold we've a-plenty.

Are these the gifts for the King of us all?


What shall we give to the Boy in the temple?

What shall we offer the Man by the sea?

Psalms at His feet and hosannas uprising,

Are these for Him who will carry the tree?


What shall we give to the Lamb who was offered,

Rising the third day and shedding His Love? 

Tears for His mercy we'll weep at the manger;

Bathing the Infant came down from above.


Tam, patan, tam.

That first line "What shall we give to the Babe in the manger?" has been ringing through my mind all week. What does He ask of me? What can I really give Him? And other such questions have followed. As my time comes to a close here, the desires of my heart yearn more and more to be able to give my whole heart to the work. That song combined with other sweet promptings throughout the past few weeks have answered the pleas of my heart. I have taken time each week during sacrament meeting to ask "What more can I do this week?" And each time the Spirit so sweetly whispers my answer clearly to my heart. At our Christmas Zone conference this past week, Pres. Holm bore a sweet fervent testimony on the importance of focusing our lives on the Savior. I have learned how important it is, especially in this work, to truly focus on the Savior. HE is the WHY of the gospel. HE is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. HE is the LIGHT of the world. 

In my gratitude to the Spirit's lessons, I have thanked my Heavenly Father over and over again for the chance I have to give Him everything this Christmas. Not just a good deed here or there, but myself, 24/7. What do I want to give the Savior of the World this year? My heart. I know HE has sent me here to South Carolina/Georgia for a reason. HE asked me to come on a mission. HE asked me to give 18 months of my life. Why? to help HIS brothers and sisters access HIS Atonement. It's not enough to just be go through the motions... As I have striven to give ALL I can to my Savior, as I have sought to remember the whys, as I have taken a few more seconds to think of Him throughout my day, love has filled my heart. Each door seems a little more promising. Each soul seems more precious. Each day has become more worth living. Each moment more worth giving. I want to serve my Savior by serving His brothers and sisters with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love it.  

The Lord has taught important lessons during this past transfer... and I am so grateful. Now He is blessing us. We found two new investigators this past week, Linda and Melody. As we talked with them, I could see how much God has prepared their hearts to receive the fulness of our Savior's gospel. This is not my work. The Lord is the one directing it. He is the one preparing His children to recognize Him when He comes knocking. The Spirit is the guide and teacher.

Have a very Merry Christ-mas!

Love ya! <3


Sister Cottam

a precious gift (from December 17, 2012)

This is Jesse, Rachel’s and Rebekah’s brother. I’m sorry to all of you who read these blog posts that I haven’t been posting them lately. I am catching up right now. I am really sorry.


Hello family!

This has been a humbling week for me as we had to stay in for several days after I caught the stomach flu. Yup, not fun... I wanted so much to go out and work, but knew my body couldn't handle it. It made me slow down, and even though I didn't like being sick, I think it was what I needed just now. As a got my health back and have gone back to work, everything is more important to me, and I have an increased desire give my whole heart and will to the Lord and his work. Because of the change in perspective, this weekend I've been trying to make our door contacts more personal and directed by the Spirit, and to let the Spirit direct me more often in planning, finding, and teaching. There are people who are prepared here. We just we have to find them. I know the Lord is molding me into the missionary he needs me to be.

I am so grateful that the Lord works miracles, great and small, in our lives (as he did in mine this week). I feel His loving watch looking over us in his work. These are his children here, and he wants them to have the gospel. I love serving the Lord through serving his children, and I love being a missionary. I love the gospel so much and know that it is true. Yesterday in sacrament, the theme was Helamen 5:12 and I had an amazing revelation as the second speaker was reading the scripture. Often I am sometimes shy about sharing the Book of Mormon because so many here have only known the Bible and aren't open to the idea of another book of scripture, but the Spirit whispered to me yestereday that we cannot be bold in testifying of the Book of Mormon. Why should we be shy that God has given us such an amazing gift? The doctrines taught in there are just as true and just as precious and any contained in the Bible. I love the Book of Mormon so much and know it is true.

I love all y'all!

have a good week!


Sister Cottam