Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Don't quit. Keep playing"

My sister posted this on her facebook. It hit me in a powerful way because I'm a musician and because I often feel a little inadequate both in music and life in general. I've had trial a plenty in my life, and I have personally felt the Master's arms of comfort, support, guidance, and enabling power surround me. I know He lives, and He loves every one of His children in a very sincere and personal way. He knows each of us individually by name and He knows our true potential. One of my greatest desires, even more than becoming an accomplished oboist, is to fulfill the potential my Master sees in me. I never want to disappoint Him, so I trudge along, stubbornly enduring to the end with complete faith and trust in the omnipotent hand leading me through this life.

Consider this story: A young piano student's mother, wishing to encourage him, “bought tickets for a performance of the great Polish pianist, Paderewski. The night of the concert arrived and the mother and son found their seats near the front of the concert hall. While the mother visited with friends, the boy slipped quietly away.

“Suddenly, it was time for the performance to begin and a single spotlight cut through the darkness of the concert hall to illuminate the grand piano on stage. Only then did the audience notice the little boy on the bench, innocently picking out ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.’
“His mother gasped, but before she could move, Paderewski appeared on stage and quickly moved to the keyboard. He whispered to the boy, ‘Don’t quit. Keep playing.’ And then, leaning over, the master reached down with his left hand and began filling in the bass part. Soon his right arm reached around the other side, encircling the child, to add a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice held the crowd mesmerized.

“In our lives, unpolished though we may be, it is the Master who surrounds us and whispers in our ear, time and time again, ‘Don’t quit. Keep playing.’ And as we do, He augments and supplements until a work of amazing beauty is created. He is right there with all of us, telling us over and over, ‘Keep playing.’” (As quoted by James E. Faust, Oct. 1999 General Conference, General Releif Society Session.)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!! I read it on your sister's blog too. This story always gets me because it reminds me of the time when the Savior has taken my meager offering and made it something worth while. Thanks!
