Monday, October 24, 2011

week 4 in Gaffney

Hey ya'll!

It's been a slow week. We've had a lot of trouble getting our investigators to keep appointments let alone committments...let's just say it gets frustrating. I want them to have the gospel, and they will do nothing to learn for themselves the message we have to teach. I loved your letter Dad! This gospel is so amazing. I didn't really realize how important it was until I came on a mission. I knew it was important of course, and that I was extremely blessed to have it, but as I see other lives and what they are missing, my heart yearns for them and wishes that they would just accept the fulness of the gospel. They would have greater joy and so many blessings they couldn't dream of. I count my blessings that I have learned that importance and am taking the opportunity to go out and share the gospel with those who are ready and willing to listen and to plant that seed in the hearts of those who aren't quite ready that it may wait for that future day when their heart is soft enough to let it grow.

We had an amazing opportunity to hear from Elder Gay of the 70 on Saturday in a special missionary mtg. He spoke all about missionary work and what he learned from serving as a missionary and a mission president (in Ghana). He told that we are not here by accident (which is a message I've heard since day one in the MTC). God prepared us from the foundations of the world to be where we are. Nothing is an accident. This work is one of great urgency. We've been called to double baptisms and reactivations in the Greater Southeast region. There are so many people here who already have strong faith in Jesus Christ. The Lord is preparing someone around each member to receive the gospel.

He gave a long list of blessings we receive from doing missionary work. There are over 40 listed in the D&C! I caught a few:

-Your sins will be forgiven; you'll be given power to speak and share the gospel; the gates of hell will not prevail againts you; God's strength will be with you; the Spirit will give you what to say; you'll have greater power to keep the commandments, etc, etc...

He said that this is not the work of man. This is real. Jesus Christ lives. God lives. This work is their work.

I loved his testimony.

We also had Stake Conference this weekend. Our mission president and his wife spoke all about missionary work and how full time missionaries are there to help the members do missionary work. The Stake president, Pres. Duquette, spoke of the importance of living the gospel. He said: True happiness can only be found through living the commandments. Anything else is like trying to catch a red dot that is ever changing and moving on the wall(in reference to a story about his grandson trying to catch a dot from a lazer on the wall that kept moving).

It was an awesome meeting.

We get to have another awesome experience on Thursday. There's a leadership training in Columia that we've been invited to. I can't wait.

Though this work isn't easy, I know the Lord has a purpose for us being here. Someone is waiting to hear the gospel. Someone needs our support and the truth we have to share. I know He is at the head of this work and we can only accomplish it through Him. He knows the needs of the people around us. He knows their pains and trials and joys. We are only His servants. It's humbling to think about it that way, but without Him, we can do nothing--and that's including everything in life.

I love this work and the opportunity I have to serve and teach. I know as we continue to be obedient and work hard, the Lord will prepare someone to receive our message. Well, that's it for this week. Thank you for all your emails! I love hearing from y'all. If you get a chance, send me a written letter...I love those because I can read them anytime I want to during the week, whereas I only have 30 minutes a week for email. Either way, keep writing! I love you all!

Check out this scripture: Alma 7: 11-13(14-16 are great too) . I've been memorizing it this week. I've gained a greater understanding of the Atonement by learning these words. Christ truely loves us and wants us to receive every blessing God has for us!

Have a great week! Pray and seek for opportunities to share the gospel. The Lord will help you be in the right place at the right time!


Sister Cottam

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