Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Salvation comes through Christ

Good morning!

Sis. Koeven and I are doing very well this week. She is beginning to truly blossom as she has taken the lead in many things this past week. We've been able to find joy in each little aspect of the work and in improving ourselves. We are striving to work with our current investigators and have had to drop several this week who have stopped progressing, but we know it was the best thing to do at this time. The Lord has blessed us for our efforts. This week we found a new investigator whose name is Sabrina. She has a strong desire to come closer to her Heavenly Father and accepted to be baptized in September! The Lord is shaping her life to prepare her to receive and embrace the fullness of the gospel. I love being able to witness His hand in this work.
We've both been studying the doctrines in chapter 3 this week. I have loved increasing my understanding of these precious truths and applying them to our teaching. This study has also increased my own testimony of the gospel. I love how it just makes sense. I know this gospel is true! One such doctrine we studied was the meaning of "saved". So often we hear and are asked about "being saved". Sabrina also asked us about it. We learned through our studies that in answer to the question "Have you been saved?" we can reply "Yes." and "Yes, but with conditions." We are all saved from physical death through the resurrection of Jesus Christ (as in Alma 11:44), but we are not saved from spiritual death without conditions: we need to have faith in Christ, repent, be baptized(and other ordinances like the sacrament), receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end by keeping all the commandments. As Sis. Koeven and I talked, we realized that as LDS, we don't have one extreme experience where we profess that Christ is our Savior. We do it through partaking in ordinances and keeping covenants throughout our lives as we continually strive to live more like our Savior and seek His will. When we take the sacrement each week, we are taking time to recommit ourselves to our Savior. It's a life long process.

I love being a missionary!

Sister Cottam

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