Thursday, September 20, 2012

proselyting the truth...among the cotton fields (Monday, September 17, 2012)

Something I love about Hartsville is all the not of
potatoes or sugar beets, but of cotton and corn. Every time I see a
cotton field, I feel like I've stepped into my history books. It's
This week we've done a lot of trying-to-catch-investigators-home work.
We have several amazing people that we've only been able to teach
once, but we keep being a little persistant by trying their doors and
leaving a post-it note here or there with the faith that one day we'll
get to teach them more about the restored gospel. We gained a couple
new investigators this week. One of them is Veronica. She has three
young girls (two of which are twins!). She's quiet, but you can tell
she is searching deep in her soul for something. Yesterday we taught
her about the plan of salvation and invited her to be baptized by
God's authority and she accepted! We're excited to continue teaching
her and to help her reach her goals using a calendar(Hna. Cottam, what
a small world...yay calendars! they really do help).
Interviews and the fireside went well. One of the ward's recent
converts, David, was able to come. He loved it and felt the spirit
strongly. We were hoping to get a couple of investigators there, but
we couldn't get a hold of them... Pres. and Sis. Holm talked about the
Restoration and how it was seen by many prophets of the Old Testiment
and Book of Mormon. They also talked about the blessings of living the
The bishopric in the ward just changed this last week. As I listened
to the old bishopric bear their testimonies and the new one as well,
my thoughts went back to when Dad was called to be bishop. It was a
strong testimony to me that Christ runs this church through true
revelation. The Spirit was so strong and confirmed that the men called
to those positions were called of God.
That witness to my heart was truly a blessing, because the night
before we had a trying experience that tested our faith. We were at an
investigator's home to teach her about the restoration and her dad,
who is a strong Holiness/ Church of God member was there. He had a few
questions, which at first was fine, but as we continued on with the
lesson, his questions got deeper and we could tell that these were
points he was not willing to accept. After we shared the first vision
and testified that God has called a prophet today, he completely
denied that anyone can see God and that God would call only one
prophet. Then he complained that we were getting upset because of his
questions. We appologized for not being perfect teachers with our
emotions, said a prayer, and left. Our investigator walked out with us
and appologized sincerely for her father's stubborness and asked that
we do come back (she would make sure it was a time when he wasn't
there). Needless to say, we walked away a little shaken and without
the Spirit in our hearts. Both of us poured out our souls that night
in our prayers. I am so grateful the the truths of the Restored Gospel
of Jesus Christ. I know that this is His church, the original church
He set up when He was on the earth. I know, without a shadow or doubt,
that there is a prophet of God on the earth, Jesus Christ is our
Savior, the Book of Mormon really is the word of God, and the Church
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints contains the fulness of the
gospel and the priesthood power of God. Try as they might, no man will
disway me from these truths. I have had too many experiences with the
Spirit to doubt that these things are true, and I am so grateful that
it all makes sense.
I love ya'll so much. Have a great week!
Sister Cottam

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