Monday, January 12, 2015

let the blessings fall

Have you ever experienced a moment. A breath. A twinkle. A touch. And wanted to capture it? I have. Those moments mean everything to me. And they are the things I want to remember and hold close, forever. Those moments compound into one great whole. All the joys. All the heartaches. All the trials. All the amazing, tragic, difficult, challenging, stretching, touching, breath-taking experiences. All the places and things and lives that intertwine. These things create our LIFE. And this life is one of the most amazing gifts ever given to Man. Hearing my nephew laugh, seeing my niece crack a cheesy grin, sharing an intimate conversation with a dear friend, feeling the snow kiss my cheek, watching two people madly in love experience the happiest day of their lives, playing a game with my family, listening to a group of strangers create great music, watching the setting sun spatter color across the sky, taking a few moments on my knees every morning and night to share my innermost thoughts and desires with my Heavenly Father, feeling the touch of the Holy Ghost as I ponder spiritual things... These things make up my life. Through times of trial, change, doubt, or loneliness, these moments remind me that this life is beautiful. It has a purpose: to help me become like my Heavenly Father. It's not easy by any means. The path is hard to see at times, and I have to muster up enough trust in God to walk by faith. But those times build me. They turn me into a stronger woman and prepare me to be a tool in God's hands, to accomplish tasks He needs me to do while I'm here in this life.

While I enjoy the cleansing rain, snow has a touch of magic to it. The soft falling crystals remind me to slow down a little. The white color reminds me of the purity of heaven. And the activities that snow allows remind me that life is full of wonder and joy. At this crossroads in my life between school, looking for a full-time teaching job, and trying to find someone to begin a family with, there are many days full of impatience for the righteous desires of my heart. I have been drawn to much reflection trying to figure out my life, but I have no idea how my path will go. Tonight, as I walked back from FHE, the cool snow fell all around. I had an umbrella in my hand and had it up at first, but then, I closed it and reveled in the cool touch of each flake on my hair and face. I let the snow fall.

I am learning how to let the blessings of God fall too. I do not have complete control of my path, but I have a Heavenly Father who can see what I cannot, and He is simply waiting for the right time to pour out certain blessings on my life. I am learning how to put my full trust in Him, in His timing, in His complete love. Just because things do not turn out the way I want them too does not mean that my life is or will be devoid of blessings. On the contrary, God is holding me, preparing me, for the best blessings He has to offer, the best blessings for me. I have already experienced some amazing things that were not in my life-plan and there are many things to come, many more moments that makeup this wondrous gift of life.

So I'll let the snow fall. I'll live my life with purpose and take whatever twists and turns the Lord sends my way. Every trial. Every blessing. Every experience. Every moment that will make up my life.

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