Monday, January 16, 2012

pushing forward

First I want to tell you something cool:

In our mission when someone has a miracle moment (amazing contact, baptism, etc.) they send a voicemail to their zone leaders who send it to their zone, or to the assistants for the whole mission. Well, we received a voicemail last night. It was from a set of sisters in Mount Pleasant (near Charleston on the coast). They first talked about how one of their investigators came to church and received the Holy Ghost, and then they said they were looking around to see if someone had come who they missed and saw a familiar face. He was with his wife and had a couple of body guards. Then they recognized that it was Mit Romney in their sacrement meeting!!! Wow....I'm a little jealous of those sisters. ;)  Romney is in the area for the primaries, and as you can guess, we have had a lot of people, mainly members, talk to us about it. It's interesting to be out of the loop sometimes. Mom, don't forget to send me an absentee ballot for the main election, please and thank you :) .

This week has been a struggling week. It always seems to do that right after a baptism...probably because Satan is mad we stole someone out of his clutches. We have a couple of potential investigators that we are trying to set up times to meet. One is a member refferal who has been looking into the church for two years already. He knows it's true, but is struggling and busy right now. He has been put on the top of our priority list. Another is someone we knocked into two weeks ago. He's been struggling in his life recently and we prayed with him. He ordered a Book of Mormon a week later and we delivered soon after. We just need to get in to teach him and his family. We have one investigator who has good potential. He's been to church once and really liked it. He's just struggling with the word of wisdom. Against hopes, Thomas has continued to struggle. I'm worried about him, but I don't know what we really can do except to pray and try to stay in contact with him. He must have some important things to do in his life if Satan is tearing at him so much. His testimony will bring many others one day.

But, even though we've been struggling this week, it's also been a good learning experience, a time for reevaluation and seeking inspiration for how we can improve. My companion and I have decided to not let this week's slowness bring us down but are determined to learn from it and push forward, doing everything we can, being as obedient as we can, and trusting in the Lord with all our hearts. In the upcoming weeks, expect miracles! Yeah, we have that much faith :D .

Love all y'all lots,

Sister Cottam

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