Monday, April 23, 2012

baptisms..​.in other places; miracles..​.everywher​e (from Monday, April 16, 2012)

Hey family!

It's been a chilly week but some exciting things have happened. We have a lot of investigators that we're working with right now. The trick is helping them progress...We have had at least one investigator at church every Sunday for the past 3 weeks. That's a record in this area...different investigators, but hey, they're coming! Someone is coming and feeling the Spirit. It seems that what most of our investigators are struggling with right now is simply making time. They have so much going on in their lives and they are having a tough time finding time to fit the gospel in. I think this is a struggle that will be found more and more often as Satan works harder and harder to not neccissarily drown people in sin but distract them so much that they can't give the gospel any thought; they're too busy. It something that we've started warning everyone we teach: Now that you've started learning, Satan is going to throw everything he can at you to distract you, and you have to make the choice of where you will put your priorities. The gospel is so important.

Jessica was baptized this week in the other ward that shares our building. She was a member refferal that our zone leaders gave us, but we realized after the second visit that she is just outside of our area. We transitioned her over to the elders in that ward, but we didn't lose contact. At her baptism, Sis. Brand gave a talk on baptism, and I gave a talk on the Holy Ghost. It was a great day, even though she wasn't technically "our" baptism. I then got the wonderful opportunity to prepare a last minute talk on families for sacrement meeting...good thing we already study 2 hours everyday so that we're prepared when there's only 12 hours notice.

I found out some amazing news this past week. One of my investigators in Gaffney, Cayce, is finally ready to get baptized! But she refused to do it unless I was there...ha! I love her so much. We got permission from President and found a member ride, so this Saturday we get to go back to my old tracting grounds and see her be baptized. I am so excited! She is an amazing daughter of God and my heart is full of joy for the steps she has taken. I also found out that the sisters in Gaffney finally found one of my other previous investigators this past week. His was close to being baptized and then suddenly disappeared a couple months ago. The spirit put them in the right place at the right time. They have started teaching him again, and he is excited to prepare anew for baptism. Miracles are happening great and small all over, and I get to be one of the privaleged witnesses of it all!

Keep on pressin' on. The trials are worth every blessing. Have a great week!


Sister Cottam

P.S. The Spirit is the 6th sense ;) Don't go anywhere without it :)

P.P.S. Thanks for the jam!

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