Thursday, August 16, 2012

knock and knock and... faith (from July 30, 2012)

Sis. Koeven and I are doing well. We're striving to work hard and be obedient. We have done a lot of contacting this week...boy my legs are tired. I finally go a little bit of sunburn... and we're "loving" the heat and humidity. Luckily we'll get a two day break with a leadership conference this coming week. I'm excited to learn what more we can be doing to further the work. 

We met a wonderful young mother, Nicole, this week. She has two boys and a girl. I was strongly reminded of teaching Cacey in my first area with her three boys. The kids were loud and rowdy and her husband was trying to keep them occupied in the other room. Admist the chaos, we taught her about the restoration. We floundered in the lesson for the first 15 minutes, and then as we testified of the first vision the spirit entered quietly, not strongly, but it was there. Nicole told us she could relate to Joseph. She has wondered for years what is the right thing to believe. She is eager to read the Book of Mormon and found out if it is true.

We taught Heather again. She was eager to learn more, but her work is keeping her really busy...and keeping her from coming to church. We're praying that she'll be able to come next week.

This week I was reading in Alma 32 and the last few verses really stuck out to me. Alma urges us to nourish the word by faith, diligence, and patience, "looking forward to the fruit thereof". As we do this, the tree will take root and spring "up unto everlasting life". I realized these are key characteristics for missionaries. In every aspect of the work we need to have faith, be diligent in work and obedience, and be patient for the Lord's timing. We have to have faith that He is preparing people and that as we're obedient and diligent he will lead us to them. The "fruit" is bringing these precious souls to the waters of baptism and then on to the temple. I know this is a sacred work, and though I am not a perfect servant, I know he gives us the qualities we need to fulfill His work. I know there are precious souls waiting to be found, and we are striving to build our faith to find them.

Love ya lots! Good luck with all the house renovations and the wedding :)


Sister Cottam

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