Sunday, February 10, 2013

faith to get a ride (from February 4, 2013)

It's been an amazing, stressful, and miracle-filled week. We continue to work with Vince. I am still amazed at the growth I see in him, at the changes in his countance, and his sensitivity to the Spirit...etc. I love it. I count my blessing every time we teach him or talk with him when he asks a good question, thanks us for all the help, and bears his testimony to us. I'm learning more and more how true that scripture in D&C is about finding His elect. That is our calling. Through us, the Lord changes lives.

The day before the missionary fireside (Wednesday) this week, we were still struggling to find Vince a ride. We didn't hear back from the member who had said he would take care of finding a ride, and then everyone we were calling couldn't do it. Thursday afternoon we were still without a ride. We prayed with all our hearts for a miracle. We made a few more phone calls. Then, later in the afternoon we received 3 return calls offering him a ride. We were amazed and felt so blessed that the Lord had provided the miracle we were seeking. Vince was able to go to the fireside, have his testimony strengthened and questions answered, and the brother who brought him was also able to have an uplifting experience in a hard week. Faith is a principle of action. As we prayed with the expectation that God would answer, then did everything in our power to make it happen, a mountain moved. I've learned so much about faith and hope, that expectation that God will fulfill His promises. It's not always according to our will or in our timing, but He does answer. I know He does. I've seen it very powerfully this week, and it's amazing.

We have been seeking for new investigators this week while we help Vince prepare for baptism this Saturday. We've found several new potential investigators and hope for the best. All in the Lord's timing.

I love this gospel and love being a missionary!

Have a good week!

Sister Cottam

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