Sunday, February 10, 2013

humble man+church=peace (from January 15, 2013)

Sorry this is a day late. The email site wouldn't work for us yesterday, so we received permission to do it today.

This has been a busy and wonderful week. I feel like I've learned so many important lessons this week. We had Specialized Sister's Training on Wednesday, and I loved it! There was such an amazing Spirit there, one that struck me deeply and has had a great affect on me throughout the week. I felt like the Spirit was truly the teacher that day. I learned a lot about humility and charity, the importance of divine worth, not comparing myself (good or bad) to others, an increased desire to be MY best, trusting in God, having faith in others, etc. The things I learned then have led me in a search to get to know myself better and know how to improve. The Spirit has continued to be my teacher each day. The lessons I am being taught have helped me improve my relationships with others and my efforts in this work. I know this work is so precious and this calling is so sacred. I am so grateful I get to be a missionary. I love it!
This weekend we've had some wonderful experiences. I feel that now that I am opening myself more to the Lord and striving to be truly humble, He is blessing us. We were able to finally sit down with an investigator, Willie, and a potential investigator family in Thomson this weekend. We had good lessons with both of them and are excited to continue working with them. We also had a wonderful opportunity to talk with an investigator, Hope, from North Augusta (she's meeting with the elders there). She is a good friend of a less active family who we've been working with. Sister Hilliard took the liberty of inviting her friend Hope to dinner with us this week. She sat in on part of our lesson with the Hilliards' son and then over dinner we were able to answer a lot of her questions and bear our testimonies of the gospel. It was a precious opportunity to share in her conversion process. I love working through members!

We had another miracle yesterday at church. In ward council they informed us of a man who would be visiting that day. His younger brother is an active member in Washington state and he called to ask the ward to help his struggling brother, for he knew the gospel could help. The man, Vince, came to church and enjoyed all of the services. We were then able to take time after church to answer any questions and set up a time to teach him more. Vince is so humble and ready to make changes in his life. I know the gospel will bless him so much. To add to that miracle, today he gave us a call because he was struggling again and needed someone to talk to. He prayed with us and talked to us about the reading he has been doing in the Book of Mormon and the new Teachings of the Prophets book. He told us that he had never thought about there being living prophets on the earth today, but that the idea becomes more and more real to him as he keeps reading. My heart is full of joy when I think about how the gospel is already affecting Vince's life.
I am grateful for the Lord's hand in this work. I know it is His work and I am so grateful I get to be a part of it! I love being a missionary. I love getting to learn and grow every day. We never stop learning.
Have a great week!

Sister Cottam

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