Monday, February 23, 2015

faith: stepping into the dark

I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year, "Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown." And he replied, "Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the hand of God. That shall be to you better than a light and safer than a known way."
- Minnie Louise Haskins

A week or so ago, I was contemplating the unknowns of my life and wishing the Lord would just show me the next couple of steps so I would know for sure what I should do. The principle given in a general conference talk several years ago came to mind: walking by faith is taking a step into the darkness and seeing God light the next step. That's the way my mind remembered it anyway. As I thought of this, the Spirit taught me a different way to look at it: faith is taking a step into the dark and seeing God light that step, then He might hint which direction I need to turn to take the next step, but that step will still be in the dark. I realized that my whole life I wished that God would do it the first way, let me take one step in the dark and then clearly guide me the next couple of steps, but I realized that I have not been truly trusting in God or walking by faith. He's teaching me how to trust a bit more, to take a few more steps blindly in the dark, and to hold on tightly to His hand. 

I'm understanding better the saying: "Become as a little child." Like my nephew in this photo, a little child trusts deeply in their parents and grandparents, trusts completely that their parents are going to never lead them astray. I know deep down that my Heavenly Father will not let me stray far without warning me first. He will never lead me down bad paths. So as I trust Him, He will guide me when He needs to. I am so grateful for a very steady hand to hold on the unknown paths life leads. 

Just thought of another connection: the iron rod of Lehi's dream. When we hold to the word of God, we will always make it home. Why? because doing so keeps us close to the Spirit, God's messenger. So when we hold to the scriptures we also holding onto God's hand.    

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