Monday, December 10, 2012

Sister Improver

Hey y'all!

This week has been full of introspection for me. Today in studies, Sister Steimle had read a talk about the difference of optimism, pessimism, and being an improver. It was perfect for all that I've been pondering this week. We have cherish our ideals, have faith, and still be realistic on whether we can reach the ideal right now or not. The whole point is improvement, progression, and moving forward, of working towards the best. God's whole plan for us is based on that principle and this past week, that's been central in my mind. With the movement to a new area and interviews, I've been thinking and pondering a lot on what more I can do. I took time seeking inspiration on what things distract me from the Spirit and how I can be more obedient, and then learned much from our interviews with Pres. Holm this past week. I am so grateful for revelation and the things I've learned. My biggest goal this past week has been to have the Spirit with me more. As I've prayed more sincerely for its guidance and striven to cut out distractions, I have felt its influence increase. As I try to adjust small behaviors, I can already tell a difference in my day to day activities around my companion and the other sisters as I have recommitted to stay focused. I am grateful for the added Spirit I have felt as I have done so. Sister Steimle and I recommitted to role play more this week too. I've already felt the difference. Even if what we say in the actual lesson or door contact is completely different from our role play, I've noticed that the Spirit is with me more, I am more receptive to its promptings, and I am more comfortable teaching. The act of preparing and practising really helps! I am so grateful for revelation and for the opportunity I have to serve the Lord.

Sister Steimle and I have been continuing to work with the less actives our bishop asked us to visit, and we've met several wonderful people this week and had spiritual lessons with them. I'm grateful for the opportunity we have to serve our ward leadership. We're teaching a sweet sister named Ellie. We had our third lesson this week. I love her simple faith and desire to learn more about God. We've have one of our ward missionaries coming with us to see her and the difference is amazing. This sister knows exactly what Ellie needs because she's been there. I love working with members!

We've been saddened that we have struggled to find new investigators recently. Sister Steimle felt inspired that we need to follow up with past members who were introduced to the BRP. I know she was inspired by the Lord and am excited to work with the members more closely in working with their friends. 

The work moves forward, and I love it!

Take care and have a wonderful week!


Sister Cottam

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