Sunday, February 10, 2013

Remember… (from December 31, 2012)

We had a wonderful Christmas. We went caroling with the other sisters to less active members and our most recent convert, (of several months) Ada and her family, on Christmas Eve. After we got in, we shared our Christmas traditions with each other and read through the Nativity in the dim glow of Christmas lights. It was wonderfully memorable. On Christmas day, we opened gifts, had breakfast with the young Heaton family around 9:30am, and then have "dinner" with the Bishop and his family around 1pm. I loved getting to talk with y'all. That evening we went and caroled some more. It was a holiday full of the Spirit.

We heard about transfers. Sister Steimle and I are staying together, but the other sisters are leaving, which means our ward is going back to one set of missionaries. I'm sure sometime in the near future they'll get a second set, but for now, we have the fun task of covering one of the biggest areas in the mission ;) . Sister Bell is finishing her mission this week. It's been a true testimony builder for me to watch her press forward to the end. Her example will help me do the same. I know better what to expect, etc. I'm sad to be losing Sister Kloepfel as well, but she is going to open a new area, so she is excited and nervous at the same time. The apartment will be very quiet come Wednesday.

This week has been one of pure growth for me. We've had disappointments and miracles. Looking back I am reminded of the scripture in Ether that says we don't receive a witness until after the trial of our faith. My faith was tested. And because it was, I have learned some important things.

We met a sweet sister last week, but on Friday when we went over for our return appointment, there was a note on the door informing us that they had decided to stay in their own church and asked that we not visit again. We walked away heart-broken. We had so much faith in that wonderful sister. We know she felt the Spirit, and yet, she chose another path for now. I pray that one day she'll be open to learning the fulness of the gospel, because I know how many more blessings it can bring to her and her family. A couple hours later though, we had an appointment with a less active family who want to help their 8 year old son Eli get baptized. We've been visiting them over the last couple of months and they've been slowly progressing. The whole family came to Sacrament meeting last week! and then again this week (except for the dad because he was reassigned to California and left the day after Christmas)! Slowly but surely, Eli and his mom are moving forward. It is amazing to watch. The Lord reminded me that there are people who do believe His gospel, who do want it in their lives, and who really do see the blessings that come from it. 

The next day, we visited another less active family where he is a member and she is not. She is so sweet and we always feel a good spirit around her, but we finally sat down with him too, and as we talked, he was very bitter and his heart was hardened by a line of difficult experiences in his life. All I could feel for him was love and pity. He accepted nothing we tried to say to comfort or help him. He verbally closed the door on the Spirit. We left another home depressed and down trodden, but this time all I felt was a helpless love for him and desire for him to have the Atonement work in his life...but I knew that he wouldn't let it in. Later that night, we went to try to catch a lead home named Heather. I met her several weeks ago while we were on exchanges, but we hadn't been able to catch her home. This night, her husband answered the door, invited us right in, and we got to sit and teach this wonderful family about Christ's church. The Spirit was simple, but strong and we answered their questions and bore testimony of the things we knew. They would have a big lifestyle change when they do join the church because they both work in the alcohol business, but as we spoke to them about the word of wisdom, Sister Steimle and I felt peace knowing that the Lord would work miracles in their lives.

There are hard times and amazing times. Some of God's children are ready for His gospel while others are not. He loves them all the same. His heart yearns for their welfare, but He also knows they have to make their own choices. This week I saw a taste of heaven through God's eyes. I witnessed through the Spirit how God views His was amazing.

I love this work. The work of salvation is vital. We are called to move it forward...I love being a missionary now and for the rest of my life.

Happy New Year!


Sister Cottam

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