Monday, February 4, 2013

What shall we give...? (from December 24, 2012)


To whoever sent the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas CD to me via Amazon...Thank you!!!! I love it! It has really helped shape my perspective of the season. There's on song on it called "What Shall We Give to the Babe in the Manger?" and it has caused me so much reflection on the "why" not only of Christmas, but of being on a mission:

What shall we give to the Babe in the manger?

What shall we offer the Child in the stall?

Incense and spices and gold we've a-plenty.

Are these the gifts for the King of us all?


What shall we give to the Boy in the temple?

What shall we offer the Man by the sea?

Psalms at His feet and hosannas uprising,

Are these for Him who will carry the tree?


What shall we give to the Lamb who was offered,

Rising the third day and shedding His Love? 

Tears for His mercy we'll weep at the manger;

Bathing the Infant came down from above.


Tam, patan, tam.

That first line "What shall we give to the Babe in the manger?" has been ringing through my mind all week. What does He ask of me? What can I really give Him? And other such questions have followed. As my time comes to a close here, the desires of my heart yearn more and more to be able to give my whole heart to the work. That song combined with other sweet promptings throughout the past few weeks have answered the pleas of my heart. I have taken time each week during sacrament meeting to ask "What more can I do this week?" And each time the Spirit so sweetly whispers my answer clearly to my heart. At our Christmas Zone conference this past week, Pres. Holm bore a sweet fervent testimony on the importance of focusing our lives on the Savior. I have learned how important it is, especially in this work, to truly focus on the Savior. HE is the WHY of the gospel. HE is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. HE is the LIGHT of the world. 

In my gratitude to the Spirit's lessons, I have thanked my Heavenly Father over and over again for the chance I have to give Him everything this Christmas. Not just a good deed here or there, but myself, 24/7. What do I want to give the Savior of the World this year? My heart. I know HE has sent me here to South Carolina/Georgia for a reason. HE asked me to come on a mission. HE asked me to give 18 months of my life. Why? to help HIS brothers and sisters access HIS Atonement. It's not enough to just be go through the motions... As I have striven to give ALL I can to my Savior, as I have sought to remember the whys, as I have taken a few more seconds to think of Him throughout my day, love has filled my heart. Each door seems a little more promising. Each soul seems more precious. Each day has become more worth living. Each moment more worth giving. I want to serve my Savior by serving His brothers and sisters with all my heart, might, mind, and strength. I am so grateful to be a missionary. I love it.  

The Lord has taught important lessons during this past transfer... and I am so grateful. Now He is blessing us. We found two new investigators this past week, Linda and Melody. As we talked with them, I could see how much God has prepared their hearts to receive the fulness of our Savior's gospel. This is not my work. The Lord is the one directing it. He is the one preparing His children to recognize Him when He comes knocking. The Spirit is the guide and teacher.

Have a very Merry Christ-mas!

Love ya! <3


Sister Cottam

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